Early Leave (James)

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On theor way back to the office James could already tell on the cab that something was going on with Elizabeth. She was squirming and shuffling around in her seat.

Her didn't realize until the elevator it was because she had to pee and was obviously not wearing her pull up anymore. As son as the though crossed his mind he looked at Effe standing next to him peeing all over her white pants.

Again he feels the tingling in his lower body, watching this beautiful and to be honest very hot girl wet  herself. He brushed off the thought and started helping her without any hesitation he gave her something to cover up and they left the office building.

„I'll take you to min, its not far. You can shower and get changed quickly" She nods at him and they start walking. On the way he calls the office to tell them they are going to a business meeting at some restaurant and will be put of the office the rest of the day.

They ride up to his apartment in the elevator and step in to the penthouse. She slowly walks in beside him towards the big window front with a view of the entire city. „Can I shower" she asks quietly. He nods and goes to get her a towel. When he comes back she takes off his jacket from around her waist and takes off towards the bathroom.

He heads out quickly while shes in the shower to the next cornerstone to pick up some diapers and some pull ups and also a little bit of baby powder and lotion.

When he arrives back Elizabeth is sitting on the sofa in one of his shirts and boxers. „Ehm you wehere out and I ..." she tried to explain. „It's good, I told you you could change. I also went out to buy something" he hands her the bag with a pack of small adult diapers and large kids ups. Her can see the embarrassment on her face. „Mr. ehm James... I..." tears start rolling down her cheeks as she tries to speak but doesn't seem to be able to.

Seeing her crying like that in embarrassment triggers his caring nature and also his kink for some reason. He scooches closer to her and wipes her tears from her face. „It's okay Elizabeth" „Its Effy" she answers. „Just call me Effy"

„Okay Effy." he says „I will take care of you". Looking in to her eyes he slow pushes her upper body down of the sofa. He gets up and she is now laying in front of him looking a little confused. „Tell me to stop if you want me to stop" he whispers while pulling down the boxers shes wearing revealing  her beautiful pussy.

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