Chapter Three

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I linger in the guest room for a while, grateful for the day off. But then again if I had the day at work I could avoid this. I can only wash my hair so many times in the shower.

I take time to look at myself in the mirror after I get changed into my leggings and jumper. My hair is always up so I haven't realised or taken the time to notice how long it is. I brush though it, enjoying watching the ash brown hair dry and get its natural gentle wave. I tie the top of my hair back and I stare at myself into my bluish green eyes, and I take a breath. I have no idea what I want to do about Thomas, but I have to go out and face things.

"Good morning." Thomas says, his hair wet too. Standing in front of the stove he is frying up some eggs. I smile and open the fridge, getting out some orange juice. "Pour me a glass?" He asks. I nod and get out another glass, putting his next to the stove as I sit and watch him cook. "How did you sleep?"

"Really well. Long day yesterday." I say and sip my orange juice.

"If I've made you uncomfortable I can take you back to yours right now or get you a taxi." Thomas says.

"No, I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just, still getting used to what happened last night." I mumble. "Why me?"

"If I have to get married I'd prefer to marry someone I get on with. And well, unless I pay someone I doubt I have anyone else to ask. No offence." He says, making me smile and laugh gently.

"That's true." I tell him. "Offence." I add, making him smile and I watch him relax a little.

"Okay Hannah." He rolls his eyes. I smile and I take a steadying breath.

"What do I get out of it?" I ask.

"What do you want?" He asks, unphased by my question.

"What can I have?" I ask.

"I doubt there is much you would ask for that I couldn't make happen." He says honestly.

"A shark?" I ask, making him laugh again, making me smile proudly, knowing how rare the happy experience is for everyone else. "I was going to ask for a pterodactyl, but I thought that was pushing it."

"I mean... I can look into it?" He offers. "We can put it in a contract."

"A contract?" I ask.

"Yeah, just ground rules on what we want, it's a part of the prenup my parents require." He says. "Since we wouldn't be getting married for normal reasons, it would help us navigate the situation."

"Oh." I say and nod softly, understanding.

"You can say no, I just really hope you don't." He says.

"I'm taking exams to be a consultant soon." I remind him. "I don't want to do that abroad."

"You can do them before we go. We just need to be married by the end of the year and then we can move over when we're ready. The wedding just cements the future of getting our own hospital." He says.

"I see." I nod softly. Thomas puts my breakfast in front of me and he sits across the island instead of beside me like usual. He scrolls on his phone for a second then shows me a picture of the hospital. "That does look really nice." I admit.

"It's in Banff. Not far from places like this." He says, showing me mountains and lakes so clear and beautiful. "We would set our own hours and make time to do things like go swim in these lakes or other nice things. It's a better work life balance."

"I see that." I sigh softly. "I just don't like the thought of a sham marriage Thomas. I don't like the thought of marriage at all, being that close to someone. Even though we're not in love or anything, it's vulnerable."

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