Chapter Thirty

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"Should I warn the flight attendants not to bother us on the flight?" Thomas asks as we sit together in the VIP lounge, he gives me a smirk and I glare at him.

"We're not on our way back from our honeymoon." I tell him digging my elbow into his ribs, making him laugh and reach over, pulling my legs over his. "Plus you keep reminding me how almost illegal it is." I say and roll my eyes.

"That's true." He nods. "I do love the memory though." He says and kisses below my ear, making me laugh and pull myself closer, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for coming with me." I say gently.

"Oh princess, I would come even if you didn't want me to. That man is not going near you unless you actually kick him in the balls. I'm ensuring it." He says, making me laugh gently. "I love you." He whispers cutely. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"You know what I am most looking forward to though?" I smile, playing with his hair.

"What, my love?" He asks.

"Giving you my rings back." I tell him softly. "So we can have a redo."

"Yeah?" He asks, smiling as he looks at my lips. I nod and kiss him, all of me but the weight in my stomach melting into him. He can't take this type of anxiety away from me.

"I love you too." I whisper against his lips.

"I can't wait to marry you again." He says and kisses me again, holding me so close, making me laugh and a few of the other people in the lounge grumble.

Thomas and I cuddle for most of the red eye. Our neighbouring seats recline almost flat and once the seatbelt sign is off I join Thomas on his, laying against him, my head resting on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat, and I fall asleep there, his hand rubbing my back.

Thomas has a car pick us up at the airport and we get back to the flat just before the morning traffic really hits. We go up to our floor then I make him wait at the door, kissing him against it with his keys in his hand.

"What is it?" He asks.

"The flat still feels... separated. I wanted a moment with you before facing that." I explain. He gives me a gentle smile and kisses me again before letting me open the door. I think quickly, what to do, and Thomas just watches me run into my old room, throwing the blanket into Thomas's room, swapping them over.

"Good enough?" He asks as I lay back on it.

"For now." I nod. He smiles and I grab the box with my rings in it, putting it in his hand. "That's forever, though." I say softly.

"I'd propose right now if I didn't already think of the perfect idea." He says, opening the box. I smile down at the rings, and he does too, closing the box and kissing my forehead.

We unpack a little, then shower, taking turns in Thomas's shower because having separate bathrooms makes me feel uneasy. Then we order Mr Happy Noodle for lunch.

"So, what's the plan?" He asks as we eat happily together on the sofa.

"Well, today is for us to settle a little. I'll do some digging about what Evan is up to. Confront tomorrow I think. Then whatever we want for the other two days." I tell him. "Maybe redecorate the bedrooms here for when we come back and maybe get some Christmas shopping in."

"Sounds good." Thomas smiles gently. "You're the only gift I need though."

"I was thinking more your parents." I tell him.

"Oh." He smiles softly. "They still feel bad about what happened last Christmas. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Thomas it's my first Christmas with anyone since my mum died. I want to have as normal of a Christmas as I can." I tell him with a small shrug. "This one I get to have three people there and I want to get you all at least something. But you have to help me a little, I don't know if I'm good at gifts, I don't have lots of practice."

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