VI. The Mark of Nimueh (Part II)

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Arthur and the guards dragged Eliora down the Upper Corridor.

"No, please," Eliora said. "You've got to listen to me! Please, I haven't done anything wrong! You have to listen to me, please! I am innocent, I swear! Let me go! I swear to you!" Eliora turned her head and saw Merlin approaching her. "Merlin! Merlin, please help me!" She said to the guards, "Why won't you listen to me?!"

Gaius took Merlin's arm and escorted him out.

"Please listen to me!"


Merlin and Gaius entered and Gaius slammed the door before asking, "What have you done?!"

"What?" Merlin replied.

"I warned you! Oh, I understand. You thought you were doing good."

"I couldn't let her brother or Gwen's father die knowing I could cure him."

"Didn't you think it might look a bit suspicious, the curing of one man?"

"Well then, all I have to do is... I'll cure everyone! No one will ever have to know it was magic."

"It's too late! They think Eliora's a sorceress! They think she caused the disease!"

"But she didn't!" He rushed to leave.

"Oh, and how are you going to prove that?!"

Merlin stopped to think, then left.


Arthur entered and guards dragged Eliora in behind him.

"Please listen to me I have done nothing, please!" Eliora begged. "I swear I haven't done anything!"

Guards dropped her on the floor.

Uther said to Arthur, "Well done."

"Why will no one believe me?! He got better, he just recovered. As did Gwen's father. I didn't do anything!"

Morgana entered and said, "I believe you. Perhaps this is a disease that is not always fatal. Have you thought of that? Perhaps they recovered naturally."

"And what of this poultice that was found?" Uther asked.

"What poultice?" Eliora questioned. "I don't know anything about a poultice!"

"It was found in your house. Undo this enchantment. Put an end to this contagion."

"I can't!"

"I will show you no mercy."

"I am not a witch. I don't know how to stop the illness!"

"If you will not undo your sorcery, you force my hand and I must find you guilty..."

"But I told you, I..."

"It is therefore my duty to pronounce judgment. And under the circumstance I have no choice but to sentence you to death."


"I can only hope that when you die, this evil plague dies with you."

"No! No!"

"Take her away."

Guards dragged Eliora backwards out of the room as she cried, "Please, no! I'm innocent! Please, please, no! Please help me! Please, I beg you! No!"

Courtiers left. Morgana watched Eliora get dragged off, then turned to Uther and said, "I know Eliora, she's my maidservant's friend, and a friend to me, not an enchantress."

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