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K H A D I J A✓


As we settled into the car, the atmosphere was charged with tension. I could feel the weight of disappointment hanging over me like a dark cloud, and I knew exactly who to blame for it – Rayan.

I shot a glare at Lala, who was sitting beside me, and she gave me a sympathetic look. "I know you're upset, Khadija," she said softly, "but let's try to make the best of this, okay?"

I nod, trying to push aside my frustration. "Yeah, you're right," I replied, forcing a smile. "But Rayan better be worth it."

Lala chuckled, sensing my determination. "Oh, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to have such a warm welcome," she teased.

I rolled my eyes, but deep down, I knew that Lala is right. If Rayan thinks he can waltz into my life and disrupt my plans without consequences, he's got another thing coming.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed when Lala nudged me and gestured towards the driver. "Khadija, look," she says, pointing towards the front of the car.

I followed her gaze and saw the driver, a middle-aged man with a friendly smile, glancing at us through the rearview mirror. "Ina wunin ku, en biyu," he greeted us warmly.

I forced a polite smile, trying to mask my annoyance. "Ina wuni, Mallam Musa," I replied curtly, my mind still preoccupied with thoughts of revenge against Rayan.

Lala shot me a warning glance, sensing my agitation, and I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. As much as I want to unleash my fury on Rayan, I know that picking a fight now won't solve anything.

Instead, I decided to bide my time, plotting my revenge with careful precision. Rayan may have won this battle, but the war is far from over.

As the car pulled out of the driveway and onto the bustling streets of Kaduna, I couldn't help but stew in my anger. How dare Rayan disrupt my carefully laid plans for the influencer's lunch? Doesn't he realize how important this event is to me?

No, he doesn't. Why? Cause we are on way way to pick him from the stupid airport.

I steeled myself for the confrontation that awaits. Rayan may think he's won this round, but he's about to learn that he's met his match in Khadija, daughter of Yusuf, and grand daughter of Suleiman.

Aikuwa yau dani yake wasan!

Soon enough our car was in the entrance gate of the airport and Lala looked at me with shock and confusion and that has my eye brows furrowing.


"We forgot to ask whether we are picking him up from the international or domestic wing," Lala blurted out, her voice tinged with panic. "And we don't freaking have his number, and—"

"Calm down," I interjected, trying to soothe Lala's rising anxiety. "We'll figure it out. Let's just ask Mallam Musa to park, and we'll go inside to find out."

"Excuse me," Lala addresses him, "could you please park the car? We need to go inside to find out which flight Rayan is arriving on."

Mallam Musa nodded understandingly and gestured for us to go ahead. We made our way towards one of the numerous poles, and we rested our back on it.

"So, are we just going to stand here looking like lost Owls!" Lala grumbled, which had me letting out a hiss.

Trust me I am on over heating mode.

"You and who will keep standing here?!" I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Let me call Bappa and ask him what flight he is in."


After a brief conversation with Bappa, I hung up with a frustrated sigh.

"Bappa says he's on a domestic flight," I informed Lala, her irritation evident.

"Honestly, why couldn't he just find his way by himself ? It's not like we've seen each other in years." I scowled.

Lala offered a sympathetic nod, yet again, understanding my frustration. As we entered the airport, my mood doesn't improve. I starts unnecessarily complaining about the heat and the crowded airport, my annoyance growing with each passing minute.

"I can't believe how hot it is today," I grumbled, fanning myself with my hand. "And why does it have to be so crowded? I swear, if I pass out from heatstroke before we even find Rayan, I'm going so definitely hunt him for life."

Lala chuckled at my dramatic complaints, knowing that my irritation is fueled by more than just the temperature. She knows that I have not been in good terms with Rayan , and his lack of effort to stay connected with my family only adds to my resentment.

Trust me, I am not saying this from my point of view, but from my family's. Do you know how annoying it is for your family to be concerned about someone that doesn't even care about them.

I am sure you all do, right?

As we continued to wait for Rayan's arrival, Lala tried to lighten the mood with small talk, but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and resentment towards Rayan, and I am not sure how our reunion will go after all these years.

As we waited in the bustling car park of the airport, the atmosphere buzzed with the anticipation of reunions and farewells. After what felt like an eternity, a figure emerged from the arrivals gate, scanning the crowd with a purposeful gaze. Lala's eyes narrowed as she watched the scene unfold before her.

"There he is," Lala whispered, nudging my arm gently.

I followed Lala's gaze and I saw him for the first time in years. Rayan stood tall and confident, his dark hair tousled by the breeze, and his sharp features accentuated by a well-trimmed beard. Despite my reservations, I couldn't't deny that he looked handsome, a fact that only serves to irritate me further.

As Rayan's eyes swept over the crowd, I felt a pang of uncertainty. Would he recognize me after all this time? Would he even want to? The questions lingered in my mind as I  watched him, unsure of what to expect.

"Khadis, we should go and meet him," Lala suggests, breaking the silence. "He's probably looking for us."

I hesitated, torn between my desire to avoid confrontation and my curiosity about Rayan's return to kaduna. After a moment of internal debate, I shook my head defiantly.

"No, I'm not ready," I replied, my voice tinged with stubbornness. "I'll wait here."


"Just go."

Lala nodded understandingly, knowing better than to push me when I have made up my mind. With a reassuring smile, she head towards Rayan, leaving me to stand alone by the pole, then I walked back to the car.

As Lala approached Rayan, I watched from a distance, my heart racing with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. I can't help but wonder what they're saying, what Rayan's reaction is to seeing Lala after all this time.

Minutes pass like hours as I waited impatiently for Lala to return. Finally, I saw them walking back towards the car, their conversation animated and lighthearted. Lala's laughter ringing out in the air, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

As they reached the car, Lala shot me an excited grin. "Khadija, you have to come and meet Rayan. He's been dying to see you."

My jaw clenched at Lala's words, my resolve hardening. "Lala, don't start all those your nonsensical jokes," I replied tersely, turning on my heel and walking back to the car without a backward glance.

As I settled into the back seat, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Rayan's unexpected return has thrown me off balance, and I am not sure how to navigate the complicated emotions swirling within me. All I know is that I not ready to face him, not yet.

Toh jama'a here is your second chapter. I don't know whether it's too early to ask, but... How are you finding the story? I am really curious. As always don't forget like, share and comment.

Love, Mardieeeee❤️.

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