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K H A D I J A✓


"Abeg, cut the story short. What are you trying to say?" Lala asked, looking at me like I had gone mad.

"I said Rayan wants me to be an ambassador for his restaurant, which he is opening in a week or two," I repeated, my voice steady but my eyes betraying a hint of disbelief at my own words.

Lala's eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious?" She reached out, touching my forehead in a dramatic gesture. "Are you alright? Weren't you the one who hated Rayan with a passion?"

I swatted her hand away, rolling my eyes. "I'm fine, Lala. And yes, I didn't like him at first. But things have changed."

Lala leaned back on her bed, still looking skeptical. "How exactly did they change? Last time I checked, you couldn't stand the guy. What happened?"

I sighed, knowing I owed my friend a proper explanation. "It's complicated. Remember the night of the wedding when I couldn't sleep and went downstairs to film a video?"

Lala nodded, her curiosity piqued. "Yeah, you mentioned that. What about it?"

"Well, Rayan was there too. He had a nightmare and couldn't sleep, so he came downstairs for some water. We ended up talking, and I saw a different side of him. He's not as arrogant as I thought. He's just... dealing with a lot," I explained, my voice softening as I recalled that unexpected encounter.

We were both caught off guard that night. I had been filming, trying to distract myself from my restless thoughts, when Rayan appeared, looking as haunted as I felt.

"Couldn't sleep either?" he asked, his voice rough with fatigue.

I hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah. Nightmares."

He gave a rueful smile. "Same here. It's been like this for a while now."

We ended up sitting on the couch, talking in the dim light. For the first time, I saw beyond the façade he usually presented. There was a vulnerability in his eyes, a quiet pain that mirrored my own.

"Why do you film videos?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"It's a way to cope," I admitted. "To express myself and keep my mind busy."

He nodded, understanding. "I can see that. You have talent, Khadija. And your videos... they have a way of connecting with people."

His words had stayed with me, echoing in my mind long after we parted ways that night.

Lala's expression softened too. "Wow. I didn't know he had it so rough. So, what did he say about the ambassadorship?"

"He said he likes my work and thinks I could bring a lot of attention to the restaurant. It's a huge opportunity, Lala. But I don't know if I should take it. It's so sudden, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for this kind of responsibility," I admitted, my confidence wavering.

Lala sat up, her eyes shining with excitement. "Are you kidding? This is amazing, Khadija! You have to do it. Think about how much this could boost your profile. Plus, it's a chance to show everyone what you're capable of."

"But what if it doesn't work out? What if I mess up and ruin everything?" My doubts spilled out, my insecurities laid bare.

Lala reached out, squeezing my hand. "Listen to me, Khadija. You're talented and hardworking. You've been looking for a big break, and this could be it. Don't let fear hold you back. If Rayan believes in you, then maybe it's time you start believing in yourself too."

I took a deep breath, letting Lala's words sink in. She was right. This was an opportunity I couldn't afford to pass up. "Okay. I'll do it," I said, a determined look in my eyes.

Lala grinned, her excitement contagious. "That's the spirit! Now, let's start planning your first promotional video. We need to make sure it's absolutely perfect."

As we brainstormed ideas, I felt a newfound sense of purpose. The future was uncertain, but I was ready to face it head-on, with my best friend by my side.

Later that evening, I sat in my room, scrolling through my social media feeds. My mind buzzed with ideas for the restaurant promotion. I picked up my phone and sent Rayan a message.

"I’ve thought about it, and I’m in. Let’s meet tomorrow to discuss the details."

Rayan's reply came almost instantly. "Great! See you at the restaurant at 10 AM."

I smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. This was the start of something new, and I was determined to make the most of it.

The next morning, I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early, my mind racing with ideas and plans. Rayan greeted me with a warm smile, looking more relaxed than I had ever seen him.

"Good morning, Khadija. I'm glad you decided to join us," he said, leading me inside.

"Good morning, Rayan. Thank you for the opportunity," I replied, feeling a surge of confidence.

We sat down and discussed the ambassadorship in detail, going over the promotional strategies, the social media campaigns, and the events we would organize to draw attention to the restaurant.

As we talked, I couldn't help but notice the passion and dedication Rayan had for his project. It was infectious, and I felt my own excitement growing with each passing moment.

By the time we wrapped up the meeting, I was brimming with ideas and a renewed sense of purpose. I walked out of the restaurant feeling like I was on the brink of something incredible.

Over the next few days, I threw myself into the project with all my energy. I filmed promotional videos, created engaging social media posts, and even organized a small pre-opening event to generate buzz.

Rayan was impressed with my work, and we found ourselves working closely together, forming an unexpected but effective partnership.

One evening, after a particularly successful planning session, we sat in the restaurant, exhausted but satisfied.

"You're doing an amazing job, Khadija," Rayan said, looking at me with genuine admiration. "I couldn't have asked for a better ambassador."

I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Thank you, Rayan. It means a lot coming from you."

Taqabalallahu Minna Wa Minkum💞!*
Wishing you a joyful Eid al-Adha filled with blessings for you and your family. May this special day bring happiness and beautiful memories to celebrate with loved ones.

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Love, Mardieeeee ❤️.

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