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K H A D I J A✓


As the morning sun filtered through the curtains of my bedroom, I reluctantly pulled myself from the warmth of my blankets. Stretching my arms above my head, I let out a soft groan before reciting my morning Dua, then after grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

"Good morning,world," I murmured, tapping the screen to check my notifications.

I recently saw it on an educational blog page that checking your phone first thing ones you are wake is not healthy for your mental health, but... I don't know why I am just used to it, and I can't seem to stop that habit.

It's part of me now. I just love seeing seen new people following me because I want to also impact them through my page, seeing people asking for ads or just something.

Being an influencer was just a dream for me, but now I am living that dream and trust me that is everything for me.

As I scrolled through my notifications, a grin spread across my face as I saw the familiar flurry of activity on my social media accounts. New followers, comments, and messages awaiting my attention, each one a testament to the impact of my online presence.

"Looks like I'm still the queen of social media," I quipped to myself, unable to resist a smug sense of satisfaction at the thought.

Sure, maybe checking my phone first thing in the morning wasn't the healthiest habit, but who could resist the allure of digital fame and influence? Besides, it's not like I was addicted or anything... Okay, maybe just a little.

With a flick of my thumb, I navigated through Instagram, eager to see what new opportunities awaited me in the world of influencer marketing. As the notifications rolled in, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of the possibilities that lay ahead.

But amidst the flurry of activity, one message in particular caught my eye. It was from Lala, reminding me about our morning study session.

"Ugh, why does she always have to be so responsible?" I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes at the thought of hitting the books so early in the morning.

But despite my reluctance, I knew that Lala was right. As much as I loved basking in the glory of my online fame, I couldn't afford to neglect my studies. After all, even influencers need to keep their brains sharp.

With a resigned sigh, I dragged myself out of bed and began the arduous process of getting ready for the day ahead. But as I stood in front of my closet, pondering what to wear, a sudden thought struck me.

"Why bother dressing up for a study session?" I mused aloud, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of my lips. "I'll just throw on some sweatpants and call it a day."

Just as I came out of my closet trying to reply to Lala's message, my younger brother, Imran, poked his head into my room. " Ya Khadija, are you awake? Mom said breakfast is ready."

I glanced up from my phone with an annoyed look. I have told this damn boy to always knock but he wouldn't, but ba ko Mai. Ba ya ga tsawanmu daya ba. Ubanshi zan chi wata Rana.

"Yes. Tell Ama I'll be down in a minute." I gave him a short reply, without even you looking at him.

As I made my way downstairs, the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and decadent chicken sandwich greeted me, signaling that breakfast was already underway. I couldn't help but feel a pang of hunger as I imagined the spread Ama had undoubtedly prepared for us.

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