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R A Y A N√


The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. I woke up earlier than usual, a knot of anxiety tightening in my chest. Today was crucial. The restaurant's grand opening was just a few days away, and everything had to be perfect.

I got out of bed, my mind already racing through the list of tasks that needed my attention. As I dressed, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Dark circles under my eyes betrayed the sleepless nights I'd endured, but there was also a spark of determination. This was my chance to prove myself.

After taking a quick bath, I was getting dressed when my phone buzzed with an incoming call. I glanced at the screen and saw the caller ID: Intisar.

My step-sister.

We didn't have the best relationship, thanks to our mother's constant efforts to drive a wedge between us. My mother never hid her disdain for Intisar, viewing her as a reminder of my father's first marriage. Despite my attempts to bridge the gap, years of tension and manipulation had taken their toll.

I hesitated, my finger hovering over the answer button. What could she want now, especially so early in the morning?

Taking a deep breath, I swiped to answer the call. "Hello, Intisar," I said, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"Rayan," she greeted, her voice bright but insincere. "I heard about the grand opening of your restaurant."

I braced myself for whatever was coming. "Yes, it's in a few days," I replied cautiously. "Is there something you need?"

"Well, I was thinking," she continued, her tone shifting to one of calculated enthusiasm, "I would love to come and support you. And I thought it might be nice to bring a few of my friends. They're quite influential, you know, and could really help with the buzz around your opening."

I could almost hear the gears turning in her mind. Intisar was a content creator, always looking for the next big thing to showcase on her social media channels. This wasn't about supporting me; it was about leveraging the event for her own gain.

"That sounds... helpful," I said, choosing my words carefully. "But we're trying to keep things manageable for the opening. I'm not sure if we can accommodate too many extra guests."

"Come on, Rayan," she pressed, her voice taking on a pleading note. "This could be a great opportunity for both of us. You get exposure, and I get to create some amazing content. It's a win-win."

I sighed internally, knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer. "I'll see what I can do," I said finally. "But I can't make any promises."

"That's all I ask," she said, her voice sweetening again. "And don't worry, I'll make sure it's worth your while."

As we ended the call, I felt a familiar mix of frustration and resignation. Intisar had always been adept at manipulating situations to her advantage. While I couldn't deny the potential benefits of her involvement, I also couldn't shake the feeling that she was more interested in using me than in genuinely supporting my endeavor.

With a deep breath, I finished getting dressed, ready to tackle the day ahead. There were more important things to focus on, and I couldn't afford to let this distraction derail me. The grand opening was just around the corner, and I had to ensure it was a success, with or without Intisar's help.

At the restaurant, the atmosphere was a controlled chaos. Staff moved briskly, setting tables, arranging decor, and fine-tuning the menu. I walked through the space, offering words of encouragement and checking on the progress.

"Good morning, everyone," I greeted, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Let's make today count."

As I coordinated with the head chef, a sudden commotion caught my attention. One of the suppliers had failed to deliver a crucial ingredient for our signature dish. My heart sank, but I couldn't afford to panic.

"Okay, let's not lose our heads," I said, addressing the team. "I'll make some calls and see if we can get a last-minute delivery. In the meantime, let's focus on what we can control."

I retreated to my office, dialing numbers frantically, trying to secure the missing ingredient. After what felt like an eternity, I managed to find a solution. A local supplier could deliver by the end of the day.

Relief washed over me as I returned to the kitchen. "Crisis averted. The ingredients will be here by this evening," I announced, earning a collective sigh of relief from the staff.

Just then, Khadija walked in, her camera in hand. She was here to film some promotional content, and I was grateful for her presence. Her professionalism and creativity had already made a significant impact.

"Good morning, Rayan," she greeted, setting up her equipment. "Ready for your close-up?"

I chuckled, the tension easing slightly. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's show the world what we're made of."

As Khadija filmed, I found myself reflecting on how far we'd come. The long nights, the setbacks, the relentless drive to make this dream a reality. I thought back to a conversation with my father, years ago, when he had expressed his doubts about my ambition.

"Running a restaurant is no small feat, Rayan," he had said. "It takes more than passion. It takes resilience, and sometimes, a bit of luck."

Those words had stayed with me, fueling my determination. Now, standing in my nearly finished restaurant, I felt a mix of pride and pressure. This was my chance to prove not just to my father, but to myself, that I had what it took.

Khadija finished filming, and we reviewed the footage together. Her talent was evident, and I couldn't help but admire her dedication.

"These look great," I said, genuinely impressed. "You're really bringing our vision to life."

"Thanks, Rayan. I believe in this project, and I believe in you," she replied, her words giving me an unexpected boost of confidence.

As the day drew to a close, we tackled each task with renewed energy. The supplier delivered the ingredients as promised, and we managed to solve a few more hiccups along the way. It was exhausting, but the small victories kept us going.

That evening, as I locked up the restaurant, I felt a sense of accomplishment. There were still challenges ahead, but for the first time, I truly believed we could overcome them. I glanced at the empty tables and imagined them filled with satisfied customers. This was more than a business; it was a dream come true.

And with Khadija's help, I knew we had a fighting chance.

Dear Readers,

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Your support means the world to me, and I want you to know just how important your comments and votes are. They provide invaluable feedback, helping me improve and shape the story. More importantly, they show that you're engaged and enjoying the book, which is incredibly motivating.

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Thank you for being a part of this adventure!

Warm regards,

Mardieeeee ❤️.

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