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K H A D I J A✓


As I seethe with frustration in the backseat, the music blasting through my AirPods provided a much-needed barrier between me and the people outside. The rhythmic beats drown out the chatter of passengers and the hum of the engine, offering a temporary escape from the chaos that surrounded me.

I tried to focus on the music, letting its familiar melody wash over me and soothe my frayed nerves. But no matter how hard I tried to lose myself in the rhythm, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.

The car ride felt interminable as we navigated through the well known streets kaduna, each passing moment only serving to intensify my frustration. Why did Rayan have to come now, of all times? And why did Bappa have to drag me into this mess?

As the minutes ticked by, I found myself replaying our encounter at the airport over and over in my mind, analyzing every word and gesture for hidden meaning. Did Rayan even notice me standing there, watching from a distance? Or was I just another face in the crowd, insignificant and forgettable?

I shook my head, trying to banish the thoughts from my mind. I refuse to let Rayan's return disrupt my day any more than it already has. I am Khadija Yusuf AKA Khadija.YSK

He is not even my type.


I scoffed at the absurdity of it all. Rayan, with his serious demeanor and perpetually furrowed brow, could never be my type. I prefer my men with a bit more... pizzazz. Not to mention, he's about as disgusting as a lukewarm cup of tea on a scorching day.

I can practically hear my inner voice rolling its eyes at the mere thought of him. "Khadija," it says, in a mockingly stern tone, "you know as well as I do that Rayan is about as unappealing as a day-old loaf of bread. So why waste your time thinking about him?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image of my inner voice wagging its finger at me. "You're right," I replied aloud, earning a strange look from the people inside the car.

Lala turned and shot me a puzzled glance, clearly not sure what to make of my sudden outburst. But I just shrugged it off, already moving on to more important matters. After all, there are far more interesting things to think about than Rayan and his perpetual frown.

But still despite my best efforts to remain stoic, a part of me couldn't help but wonder what is his reason for coming to kaduna. What will happen when I inevitably come face to face with Rayan again? Will old wounds be reopened, or will we finally be able to bury the past and move forward?

That's a story for another day.

As the car journey continued, I remained lost in my thoughts, the music still blaring through my AirPods, providing a much-needed shield from the outside world. Despite my efforts to distract myself, the unease festered within me, growing with each passing minute.

I glanced briefly at Rayan, sitting beside me, but he seemed oblivious to my presence, his attention focused elsewhere. A wave of irritation washed over me at his indifference, but I quickly pushed it aside, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing he's gotten under my skin.

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