Chapter 2- The Mötley House

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A few days later, you parked your truck in front of a rough looking apartment building so your brother could audition for lead singer.

Vince would never admit it, but you could tell that he was nervous if the way he kept fiddling with his hair from the passenger seat was any indication. But when you turned off the engine and pulled the key out, it was like a switch had been flipped inside of him. His nerves and anxiety vanished in a flash now replaced with his usual laid back and tough exterior, but it was just a mask. A mask you knew all too well.

"Hey, man." A familiar voice said, already opening the front door before either of you could knock. "Nikki."

Vince took Nikki's hand with a nod, "what's up, man? I'm Vince."

"Come in." Nikki stepped to the side allowing Vince to enter before he finally noticed you standing behind him and that familiar frown formed on his face. "Do you two go everywhere together or something?"

"We're a package deal, dude." Vince responded, glancing back at the other man. "You want me, she comes too." He added with a stern yet friendly tone.

Nikki looked back over at you, and you simply raised your eyebrows awaiting his response before he sighed and nodded for you to come into the apartment.

"Hey, Y/N!" Tommy called out excitedly from where he was sitting behind a drumkit.

You smiled and gave him a small wave, "hey, Drummer."

"This is Mick Mars." Nikki introduced pointing to the older guy with a guitar and you both exchanged a small nod of acknowledgement before Vince shook his hand. "You listened to the tape, right?"

Your brother nodded walking back over to Nikki who pulled out a crumbled piece of paper from his jacket pocket. He unfolded the paper holding it out for your brother to see.

"And we got you some lyrics. This is Live Wire."

"Yeah, I like this one." Vince took the paper and scanned over the lyrics with a nod of approval.

You took a seat on the small leather couch that had definitely seen better days while the guys got set up and Vince grabbed the microphone before Mick began the intro of the song and the others followed.

"Plug me in, I'm alive tonight, out on the streets again
Turn me on, I'm hard to stop
Something you'll never forget
Take my fist
Break down walls-"

The tune was all off for this kind of music. Vince wasn't used to much heavy songs like this, and these guys were clearly trying to be a rock and roll metal band.

"Stop. Stop. Stop!" You shouted, standing up from the couch and waving your hands to catch their attention.

Nikki was the first to notice and stopped playing the bass and called out for the others to all stop as well before turning to face you.

"Sorry, what?"

"It's missing something." You informed which copped you a heated glare from the bassist, but you ignored it. "Try playing it faster?"

Nikki looked ready to hit you with his bass for trying to tell him how to play music but luckily, before he could say or do anything, Mick, the usually silent man, spoke up.

"Yeah, why don't we just tune it all down a whole step so that he can..." Mick make a vague gesture at Vince and Tommy nodded in agreement.

"If you, uh, really stretch out the chorus and punch the top, man. Hit this note." Nikki instructed pointing at the lyrics on the paper before he pointed at you. "And muzzle that!"

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