Chapter 12- Unexpected News

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Once the Theatre of Pain tour ended. Everyone went their separate ways.

Tommy had Heather. Mick had his new girlfriend. Vince had Sharise and Skylar. And you had them as well. But Nikki? You weren't sure who he had when he was home after the tour.

The bassist rarely answered your calls. And when he did answer it was always a guessing game as to how fucked up he was. Some days he was perfectly fine, and you'd talk together for hours. Other days, he was completely off his face and babbled nonsense through the phone until you hung up.

Nikki Sixx was going down a dark path and you had no idea how to help him. Not that he would accept your help if you tried.

It wasn't until a few months later that the band all met up again for Tommy and Heathers wedding.

It was the biggest wedding you had ever been to. There were over 500 guests and Tommy was so incredibly happy, and you were happy for him, despite feeling a little jealous. You couldn't have Tommy. You couldn't have Nikki either. But Tommy deserved to be happy even if it wasn't with you. And Heather made him happy.

The only problem on the wedding day was Nikki. The best man. He was as high as a fucking kite.

When you first arrived at the venue you could instantly tell that Nikki was strung out because he wasn't saying much. Nikki liked to talk. If he wasn't talking, it meant he was fucked up. And as the afternoon proceeded, it became apparent at how fucked up he actually was.

Vince and Mick were the groomsmen and Tommy had asked you to be the grooms-woman, if that was even a proper word. He wanted you to be up there with him and the guys and at first you were a little apprehensive about it. Heather probably wouldn't want her soon to be husband having a girl as a groomsman, especially considering the things you and Tommy used to get up to behind her back.

You should feel guilty about that.

Tommy cheated on her with you too many times to count, but you didn't feel bad about it which should probably be concerning. Any normal person would feel guilty, right? But you were just grateful for the time you got to spend with the drummer, even though it was only short lived.

The guys were wearing matching black suits, so you had gotten a tailored black suit to match them as well. You thought about wearing a black dress but figured a suit would be better to blend in with the other groomsmen.

"I think I'm ready." Heather announced.

You lowered your makeup brush and took one last look at yourself in the mirror. You didn't go overboard with the makeup, just light foundation, black eyeliner and mascara. The scars on your face had faded but were still very visible and made you feel self-conscious even after all this time, but you tried not to think about it.

"Want me to see if the guys are ready?" You asked, glancing over your shoulder to where she was standing across the room with her bridesmaids.

Heather looked beautiful. Her blonde hair was styled nicely, and the long white dress hugged her body outlining her curves perfectly.

Tommy was lucky to have her. It hurt to admit it, but it was true.

Heather smiled, "that would be great. Thanks, Y/N."

You left the room and made your way down the corridor to the room that the guys had claimed as their own when you first arrived earlier this morning.

Thankfully, they were all dressed and seemed to be sitting around on the couches waiting for the ceremony to start. Well, Mick and Vince were sitting. Nikki seemed to be passed out on the other couch and Tommy was fixing his tie in the mirror.

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