Chapter 11- Terror Twins

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The thing between you and the Terror Twins begun and blossomed quicker than you thought possible.

After every show the three of you would hook up and at first, it was all about sex. But as the months went by and the tour neared the end, there was something else there. Something deeper than just casual sex and you knew Nikki and Tommy felt it too.

None of you dared to bring it up though. Those kinds of feelings and emotions were uncharted territory. Tommy was engaged to Heather anyway, not that it stopped him from having fun with you and Nikki.

The show last night was great. Home Sweet Home was another hit with the crowd who all shone their lighters brightly in the air the second Tommy began playing the piano. It was beautiful, and you would have appreciated it more if it wasn't for the oncoming migraine starting to set in.

Vince and Tommy noticed halfway through the show that you weren't 100%, but you managed to finish the show in one piece compared to last time. But afterwards, you went straight back to the hotel and crashed in bed.

Vince swung by to check on you, offering to stay instead of going out to the club with the guys, but you told him to go and have fun, so he did after making sure you had everything you needed.

By the following afternoon, you woke up after sleeping for nearly 10 hours. The rhythm of blood throbbing painfully in your temple reminded you of the migraine that had sent you to bed early after the show.


Sometimes sleep would help get rid of the pounding headaches, but sometimes it was only time that help. This was the latter.

The small bag of ice that Vince had gotten you last night was now simply a plastic bag full of room temperature water, so you reached over to your room phone to ask for another bag of ice to be sent up but remembered that the phone didn't work.

You laid in bed for a few minutes allowing your head to settle a bit before you slowly got up out of bed. You were still wearing your concert clothes from last night and made your way out the room.

"Here you go, ma'am." The receptionist held out a small plastic bag of ice which you took with a grateful smile.

"Your mother called and asked to come to a show. I thought with it being the holidays and all..." Doc's voice echoed across the lobby.

You turned around in confusion to find him and Nikki walking out the elevator, but the bassist came to a sudden halt when he saw an older woman standing in the middle of the room.

Wait, was that Nikkis mother?

"Merry Christmas, Frank."

Oh, this was going to be interesting.

The woman walked up to him holding her arms out, but Nikki seemed frozen to the spot, his face paler than you had ever seen it as he stared at his mother with an unreadable expression.

You turned away heading back to the elevator while the two of them hugged. You pressed the button for the lift while leaning against the wall holding the new icepack to your temple trying to ease the thumping pain against your skull.

"That's not my fucking name!" Nikki's voice suddenly boomed through the lobby.

The sound of glass shattering made you wince just as the elevator doors opened but when you saw Nikki marching away from his mother, a bottle of broken Jack Daniels by her feet, you couldn't just leave him.

Doc was rushing after the bassist, and you lowered the icepack from your face and walked across the lobby towards them.

"Nikki. Wait up a minute, will ya?" Doc called out stepping in front of him.

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