Chapter 3- The Flour Incident

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After collecting a sixpack of beer and a bottle of Jack Daniels from the bar, you went to the dressing room backstage while the guys finished their final song.

You put the alcohol on the table in the middle of the room before sitting down on one of the chairs in front of the large mirror and took in the now dry blood on your chin from the split lip.

Damn, that big man could pack a punch.

Grabbing a few tissues from the bench, you leant forward towards the mirror and began wiping away the blood before Vince could see. Your brother would lose his shit if he saw it. He nearly did earlier and now he would probably still be pumped up from the show and you didn't want him to do anything stupid.

Suddenly, the door to the dressing room opened and loud cheering and clapping reached your ears before fading out as the door closed again and Nikki walked inside holding his bass.

"You good?" He asked, pausing by the door when he saw you wiping away the blood.

"Why do you care?" You asked back because it wasn't like Nikki had tried to hide the fact that he didn't like you very much.

"I don't."

Yeah, you should have seen that coming.

You turned back to the mirror and continued wiping away the blood. Nikki didn't say anything further and made his way across the room dumping his bass on the couch before appearing behind you and meeting your gaze through the mirror.

"Hold this against it. It'll reduce the swelling." He explained, handing you one of the cold beer bottles. "Thanks for the drinks."

You simply nodded taking the bottle before Nikki walked across the room and collapsed on the couch cracking open the Jack Daniels and taking a large drink.

Nikki Sixx confused you.

He was very standoffish and acted as if he didn't like you, but then would do and say something half nice like that. Did he hate you or not? You had no idea.

A few minutes later Mick, Tommy and Vince came into the dressing room. The latter two laughing and chatting excitedly while Mick made a beeline for the alcohol on the table having noticed it instantly.

"You guys rocked it out there!" You called out over your shoulders.

"It was totally insane!" Tommy agreed with a huge grin, but that grin quickly faded when he saw you holding the bottle against your lip. "Shit. Are you okay?"

"I've had worse."

It was true.

Tommy and Vince both knew it was true. They had seen it and witnessed the aftermath. But your words provided no reassurance because Vince looked ready to march outside and find the man that punched you.

Vince had always been the protective big brother. He had started too many fights to count with people because of something they had said or done to you. He even put his own friend in hospital for being mean to you at school.

"Vin, it's fine."

"It's not fine. Nothing about what happened earlier was fine." Vince responded, his anger starting to come back out.

Tommy walked over to you and pinched your chin with his thumb and index finger tilting your head up so he could inspect the damage himself.

He leant down getting closer until his face was inches away from yours. His beautiful hazel eyes focused looking at the cut and you could feel the tips of your ears turning pink at the attention and hoped like hell that your hair was covering it.

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