Bitten: Chap 7

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Sebastian's POV

I pulled into the Winters driveway and turned off my newly fixed motorcycle. It was going to be a shame putting her away for the winter soon. 

"Sebastian!" Said Steven with a panicked expression written all over his face. 

"What's going on?" I asked. His face paled as he looked at me. 

"The Dirty Paw territory was attacked by a vampire clan." My mind went to one thing, Amelia. "They need our help. My pack is preparing for battle." He said quickly. 

"I want to go with you." he shook his head. 

"You can't because people still think you are part of his pack." A growl erupted deep within my chest. 

"I'm going." Out eyes locked and he stared at me intensely. 

"Fine, let's go."

I climbed into the back of his car next to Mrs. Winters. "I actually have to talk to you about something." I said as Steven looked at me through the rear view mirror, "The Murray's took my parents." Steven punched the steering wheel.

 "What does he want from them?" 

I swallowed once, "They want my pack to take out the vampire clan."

Steven smirked. "That's definitely a request I can follow through on." And with that he stepped onto the gas pedal.


We marched in battle formation as we entered Dirty Paw territory. We were all ready for battle. Caine and Steven marched in front while I was behind them filling in for my father as Beta. The pack house came into view and my heart stopped as I stared at the mass of sickly pale men and women.

Dead bodies were laying on the grass as the battle took place above them. "There's Derek! Charge!" Caine yelled. The pack spilt off into groups attacking each side of the battle field. Then I caught her scent. 

"I found her scent." 

Steven nodded, "Find her." I ran towards the pack house my heart pounding. The smell of blood filled my nose before I heard a hiss. I shot around to see a vampire leaping towards me, it's pointy teeth bared. I jumped up and latched my jaw to his arm and threw him to the ground with a sickening crunch. I let go quickly and went towards his throat. With one quick tug, blood came pouring out. Vampire blood had an unpleasing bitter taste to it. I spit out as much as I could before my focus was back on Amelia's scent. Where could she be? I shifted into my human form and entered through the door as quietly as I could. The smell of vampire and werewolf blood hit me in the face all at once. I covered my nose with the back of my hand and stepped over a few lifeless bodies.

Finding her scent was a lot harder in this room. I heard a few growls from the basement and didn't hesitate to run, more like jump over, the stairs. The vault door was open and there was a battle in the mouth of the huge doorway. My eyes found her delicate figure at the back of the vault.

"Amelia!" But it was too late, the vampire bit her. I growled deeply and shot forward shifting in midair. It was a few seconds before the vamp let go and Amelia collapsed to the ground. I was about to attack the guy who bit her but he fell to his knees and started convulsing. He started spitting out purplely-black goo. It reminded me of what happened to Mia after she scratched Amelia at the lake. I shifted back into my human form and approached the vile creature. I extended my claws and ran them over his throat in one quick motion. He deserved a slow death, I showed him mercy. 

I pulled Amelia into my arms and stared in horror as black lines crawled across her skin. Again it was like what had happened with Mia on the day I rescued her from the barn. I stood to my feet carrying her with me. "It's going to be okay Angel, I'm going to get you to somewhere safe." I turned around and was met with a large sandy coloured wolf.

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