Ressurection: Chap 15

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Third Person

The bloody man laid at the feet of the tall bulky wolf. "Please." He beg blood spitting out of his mouth and down his chin. The tall man stared not feeling any guilt within him.

"I have a family. A daughter. A wife." He pleaded hoping to render any compassion within the man but, again the world would be a better place without people like him. 

"Where is it?" The tall mans voice was deep and full of power. His eyes dark brown, almost black in the lighting of this scene.

"We-we destroyed it." He told him coughing more blood onto the floor. The man crouched looking into the eyes of the dying man. 

"See, the thing is, I don't believe you." His voice was quiet, not waking the wife or the daughter of this hunter, "Where is the pendant?" He demanded again. 

"We destroyed it." He said again his heart beating a little faster. 

"I can hear your heart beat old man, I know you are lying to me. I don't really appreciate it." His claws extended and he caressed the bloody mans face with the tip of his claws, "Maybe it would motivate you if I woke up your wife and slash her throat." The bloody man coughed again shaking his head. 

"The pendant was-was hidden. With some other hunters. I am not sure where." He wasn't lying that time he thought dipping his fingers in the pooling blood. It was warm between his fingers. 

"Where can I find these hunters?" 

His blood stained lips quivered a bit, "It's was with my brother." 

The werewolf smirked, his blood stained face contorting with shadows. The evil look that clouded his eyes was frightening to the dying hunter, "Giving up your own brother to save your wife and daughter. Interesting." 

He stuck his blood coated finger in his mouth tasting the iron on his tongue, "You know even if you had controlled your heart beat, I know it's still within your possession. You hate your brother, that much I know. So you really didn't give it to him." He listened closely as his heart skipped a beat confirming his suspicions. "Ah not so steady heartbeat." The hunter did not speak but his breathing was starting to weaken at the amount of blood he was losing.

"You are really testing my patience." The werewolf sighed standing up once again, "I really didn't want it to come to this but you have left me no other choice."

"No! No!" The bloody man swallowed trying to protect his family. "Basement, under the floorboards." The tall man smiled, the light from the kitchen reflecting off his fangs. He turned and walked to the basement door turning the knob slowly. He descended lightly down the creaking steps. 

The hunter laid on the floor calling weakly to his wife and daughter to get away. The daughter walked into the kitchen, startled at the bloody mess. She screamed to wake her mother, placing her hands firmly on her fathers chest to try and stop the bleeding. It was no use. 

"You have to leave." He choked out, spitting blood down his face. His wife cried out as she entered into the kitchen in her nightgown. The daughter took control standing to her feet and stopping her mother from coming closer. She leading her to the garage, grabbing the keys off the wall. They would be safe and he was happy to die knowing so.

The werewolf tore up the floor boards ignoring the man's cries for his family to leave. He didn't care about them at the moment, he knew he would get the chance to kill them in the future.

His claws hit something solid. Finally a black box was found as he pulled it from the dirt. His clawed hands picked it up ever so carefully. Breaking the lock that held it close, he lifted the lid, the ruby pendant glowing in his close proximity. "Finally." He whispered walking back up the steps.

He pulled the pendant over his head staring at the dead man before him. It was a shame he didn't get to kill him himself.

"Alpha? Have you retrieved the pendant?" One of his pack members asked. 

"Yes." He replied smiling slightly. 

"The body is ready."

He made his way back to the pack house on all fours. Entering the door in victory. A body wrapped in cloth was laid upon the table the wolves gathering around, curious to witness the event. Pulling the pendant back over his head as the wolves unwrapped the material from his face. Only to fasten the pendant on the cold vessel. A female wolf handed him the knife as he began to chant, slicing into his palm.

He moved it over the ruby, covering it with his blood. It began to glow as he chanted the words over and over again. Some colour returned to the body lying upon the table before the man gasped, eyes glowing bright blue and a growl erupting from his chest.

The glowing eyes shot to the man holding his palm, "Andrew." he whispered.

"Ace." Andrew replied, his face and body still coated in the hunters blood. "Welcome back alpha."

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