Training: Chap 6

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Amelia's POV

Somewhere between my tears I had fallen asleep. My eyes were crusted together and pealing them open was a pain. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before my mind wondered to the events of last night. I sighed and pulled back my comforter. My feet touched the soft carpeted floor and I made my way to the bathroom. I gasped looking at myself in the mirror.

I had bruises everywhere but they were already healing. I looked down at my arm to see it was no longer throbbing. Maybe being a werewolf wasn't so bad. Did I seriously just think that? Turning on the tap I cupped my hands underneath and brought it up to my face. I pulled my hair back and put it up. I was going to pull myself together, I wasn't going to show that I was afraid.

I pulled on the workout clothes lent to me before I opened the balcony doors. The sun was just breaking the horizon, the sky was mixed with lots of oranges and yellows as the last stars began to fade. I took a deep breath before I opened my bedroom door.

There were voices coming from the dining room so I bounced down the stairs. I held my head up and walked in ignoring all the stares. I glanced at Kaden and he looked me over before he winced. I grabbed an apple and took a huge bite out of it. "I'm going for a run." I told Derek filling the silence. 

"I would feel better if someone went with you." 

I smirked, "I'm a big girl." and with that I walked out of the house and ran down the path.

I have only been here one day and I already feel like a different person. I was going to have to lie to all my new friends about who and what I was. I mean how was I going to tell Megan or Violette? Hey guess what I'm a werewolf! Hahaha... not going to happen.

I made it to the road and I stopped taking in my surroundings. If it wasn't so cold, this place would be my favourite. I started running down the road and pushed all my thoughts away to focus on my breathing. Then I smelled it.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned towards the trees. "I know you're there Kaden, I can smell you." Within seconds Kaden came out from the forest. 

"The alpha said that-" I held my hand up. 

"I don't care, there's no point in hiding." I began running again before he could say anything else.

He pulled up beside me and we jogged in silence. "I'm sorry for last night." He said quietly. 

"I don't want to talk about it." From the corner of my eye I saw him open his mouth a close it shut again. 

"Are you okay?" I stopped and he turned to face me. 

"I'm fine, I have a few bruises! Big deal! I'll heal! Just get off my back Kaden!" I sighed heavily, "I'm more human than you guys, who knows if I'll even change! I bruise, I get hurt and it takes days to heal unlike your five seconds! Derek was stupid for throwing me into something like that, and I won't forgive you for letting him."

He stepped forward making me step back. "You don't understand I can't go against his orders, it's the way the pack works. He's the leader, his word is law. I didn't want you to get hurt, but I failed." I was speechless. He looked so hurt and disappointed with himself, "I didn't want you to get hurt but Arthur got in the way of Jordan. We both were trying to keep you safe but Arthur wouldn't back off." Anger flashed in his eyes, "I almost ripped his head off."

"I don't want to be put in a situation like that again." I started running again with Kaden close behind. 

"Well I'm supposed to help you train today." I stopped again and turned to face him. 

"You're going to miss school to train me?" He nodded. 

"Let's go back to the pack house and we can begin with the easy stuff."

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