Prologue : Dreamscapes

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The alpha surged through the vibrant forest, his fur as black as the depths of oceans glistening in the sunlight that seeped through the lush trees. His rhythm of his powerful strides matched with the heartbeat of the wilderness, each step feeling likeit warded off the weight of troubles clinging to his majestic shoulders. He breathed in the fresh..unpolluted air..finally starting to enjoy his solitary run.

As he moved forward through the forest trails without any particular destination in mind, the intoxicating scent of pine and earth filled his senses, awakening an incredible joy inside him. The sound of rustling leaves and distant bird songs was music to his ears, and the world seemed to dance in perfect harmony with his untamed spirit.

The alpha stopped when he noticed a serene lake, its water clear as glass, revealing deep stones, water plants, and fishes that swam inside.,a whole another world. He paused, taking a break from his run..enjoying the view.

Then, as if drawn by a magnetic force or pulled by the forest itself, a figure emerged from behind the leaves across the lake—a white wolf, ethereal and radiant, not a speck of color on it's fur..stepped into his vision. Its eyes were a deep blue, reminiscent of the ocean with golden specks that sparkled like stars. The alpha's red eyes widened in awe at the sheer beauty of the wolf he had never seen before. The white wolf moved with grace, its fur contrasting against the rich greens and browns of the deep forest.

For a brief moment, the alpha felt that time seemed to pause. The two wolves locked eyes, and an unspoken connection crackled between them. The alpha was captivated by the celestial beauty before him.

But, as quickly as it appeared, the white wolf, as if carried by a cold breeze, turned and vanished into the depths of the forest. The alpha wolf stood alone on the shore, the chill lake water lapped at his paws.

Releasing a sharp breath the alpha woke up once again, finding himself in his bed drenched in sweat and alone. A swift breeze passed through the window, cooling his human form and body. He looked around and realised that it was all a dream ...once again.

"Who are you?" he whispered , looking at the darkness that painted the world outside.


This story idea has been in drafts for almost two years. Finally letting it out now.


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