Chapter Twenty Seven

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Nora and Liam leave together shortly after we wrap up the poker game and clean up the remaining snacks and drinks

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Nora and Liam leave together shortly after we wrap up the poker game and clean up the remaining snacks and drinks. As we head out to the porch, I give Nora a long hug — or rather, Nora pulls me in for a hug and then wouldn't let go. But it's still a hug nonetheless.

We stand there, watching as they climb into Liam's truck parked along the street. As their vehicle fades into the distance, I turn to Wells, hesitantly saying, "I should probably head out too."

Part of me wants to leave and be content with the time I had with Wells and his family—because truthfully, it was amazing. But, another part of me is reminding myself that this is temporary. That maybe I should go in and have sex with him to avoid complicating what this really is.

To avoid complicating the rules I've set for us.

The irony of it all is that sex complicates things even more for me. And suddenly, everything feels like it's spiraling, becoming too incredibly intricate.

I'm reconsidering everything. Because between the sex, the text messages, and the time I'm spending with Wells, it just leaves me wanting more.

Maybe losing my job isn't such a terrible idea, and maybe this relationship with Wells can become more than just hookups, despite having just ended my two-year relationship with Beckett.

Wells playfully squints his eyes and cocks his head to the side as if I'm crazy for suggesting I'm leaving.

"I had a good time though," I say, taking a step back. "Thank you for letting me crash your game night."

"Where do you think you're going?" He teases, hooking onto the belt loop of my jean shorts, tugging me closer to him.

He pulls me snug against his chest."It's almost one in the morning. I should go to bed."

A warm smile spreads across his face before he says, "Let's go to bed then." He says it like a promise, like there's no hidden meaning behind it.

His hand finds mine and urges me up over the top steps of the porch. I let him guide me back into the house, the door shutting firmly behind us. Half of me expects him to press against it, to lift me up and kiss me until I can't breathe, but instead, he simply locks the door and starts making his way up the stairs, towing me along with my hand in his.

He leads me into his bedroom, his childhood bedroom. The walls wear a musty green color, a shade slightly darker than the green in his eyes. Pennant flags hang from the walls and a vintage-looking canvas world map is mounted above his tiny, full-sized bed with plaid sheets. It's so tiny, I'm not sure how his feet don't dangle off the ends of it.

I stifle a yawn with the back of my hand before asking him, "Do you even fit in that bed?"

He lets out a chuckle as he heads toward the dresser in the corner. "Not really anymore. But I manage during the summers."

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