Chapter Thirty Four

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Me: You look pretty in that purple dress

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Me: You look pretty in that purple dress.

Juniper: Are you spying on me, Wells Hansen?

Me: Do you mean "Handsome"?

Juniper: No, Hansen.

Me: I wouldn't be surprised if that's how I'm saved in your contacts now—Wells Handsome.

Juniper: Are you always going to tease me?

Me: Don't pretend you don't like it. I know for a fact you liked it when my tongue was teasing you this morning in bed.

A smile spreads across my face as I set my phone down on the counter, continuing to scoop coffee beans into the bags. I glance up as Nora walks through the door with both hands placed on her hips. Her lip caught between her teeth.

"Hey," I greet her.

"Hi," she responds absentmindedly, her thoughts seemingly elsewhere as she starts pacing back and forth. I return to filling the coffee bags, continuing my task when she remains silent.

After several back-and-forths, she utters another "Hey," as if she'd forgotten she'd just spoken the same word a moment ago.

"Hi," I respond, huffing out a laugh.

She clears her throat, saying again. "So, hey." Her voice an octave higher than before.

I pause now, fully turning my attention to her. "Hey," I echo, furrowing my brows slightly as I notice how off she is behaving now. "Everything okay?

She nods, flashing me a forced smile as she climbs onto the stool, settling in front of the stainless steel work table that divides us. There's an uneasiness to her that's starting to make me a little worried.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replies, shaking her head while she nervously begins biting her thumbnail.

"Did Liam do something?"


"Is he still giving you a hard time about wanting to go crab fishing in Alaska?"

She snorts out a laugh and flashes a smile at me. "No, I actually talked him into coming with me." But then her face falls once more, her eyebrows scrunching together.

"What's wrong, then?" I ask, continuing to bag up the rest of the freshly roasted coffee.

She exhales a breath between her lips, pausing for a moment before clearing her throat. Then, she asks, "So, um, what exactly is happening between you and Juniper?"

I pause, setting the bag aside and meeting her gaze. "Between me and Juniper? What do you mean?"

She looks down at her feet, which sway back and forth as she tightly grips the edge of the stool."I mean, are you guys dating or is this something else? You seem to really like her, and you're always with her, so I just thought maybe... I don't know. I thought maybe it was more serious between you guys."

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