4 | Quinn

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YEAH, SO, I FELT LIKE PURE SHIT. I DIDN'T KNOW THAT she had a coffee in her hands when I pulled her to my chest, hoping to be spontaneous and romantic and tell her how I felt. Annoyed, was one word for it. Frustrated, was another. Desperate, a word I didn't really want to admit fit into the category of ways I felt—but I'd unpack that later.

It was Friday morning, usually, parties would happen tonight, so the campus was always busting with energy and excitement. Tonight, it was our frats turn to host, we're a house made up of athletes, basketball players, footballers, some of the guys even play lacrosse, but most of us are hockey guys, which made our frat parties, the ones you definitely wanted to be invited to.

I wasn't huge on the party scene if I'm being honest, not with my career on the line and being so close to graduating, not to mention the NHL draft just around the corner. So usually, when our house had parties, I'd ditch, but tonight, I'd heart Maya, Athena, Anna and Lily were attending, so obviously I had to go.

But first, I'm on damage control.

I had a girl to apologise to and a coffee spillage to makeup for. There were already rumours spreading like wildfire, some realistic, some not. There was one rumour that we'd been secret summer lovers and a huge part of me wishes that was true.

I bounce my way into the cafe just off campus, meeting Mom, Jack and Luke here for our monthly catch up. I needed to talk to mom about this girl, which was going to be a shit show, because I've never spoken to mom about girls. First, she'd be way too excited and probably ask a million questions, then I'd have Jack and his shit stirring comments to deal with. Luke, well, he was sort of an angel, so I wasn't too concerned with what he'd have to say. Luke was a supportive brother, Jack, was the evil middle child who loved to meddle. Nosy shit.

I loved him, of course I did, he's my little brother, but I also sort of wanted to punch him.

My family is sat in a corner booth, already with coffee and food at the table, I notice Mom's ordered me a black coffee and eggs Benedict with bacon and I smile brightly without thinking, she's a saint.

"Better be extra hash browns," I tease, sending mom a wink as she leans across to plant a tender kiss on my cheek.

"You're a little shit," she chuckles, ruffling my hair. I sit down with a slight blush, hoping to god that the girl I was undoubtably crushing on never saw me like this. It's absolutely no secret that I'm a Momma's boy. She's a fucking queen and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise.

"Love you, mom," I grin, reaching across to steal one of her pieces of fruit from her bowl. I turn to Luke with a smile, nodding at him. "Hey, Moose."

"Hey, bro," he grins, nodding right back. I love Luke, but he's definitely not a hugger. "How's college?"

"Good," I shrug, meaning it. College was good, but my love life was not. I'd never felt more like it was in shambles than now. "How's school? Any ladies in your life?"

"Casanova here has multiple," Jack chuckled, nudging Luke's shoulder. "Phone's been blowing up all morning and it's literally just chicks."

I zone in on my brother, raising an eyebrow. "Weren't you like terrified of females just last month?"

Luke grinned cockily, leaning back in his chair. "Lost my V card at a party two weeks ago."

Mom slapped the back of his head, earning a high pitch whine from the boy. Jack coughed under his breath, calling him a whore, and I snorted. "Respect in front of your mother, Lucas Hughes."

Luke bowed his head, though was still smirking. "Yes, Mom."

Jack sent Luke a salute, and I actually dreaded the day these two attended this school together. They're complete menaces.

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