22 | Jack

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I DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW TO PROCESS WHAT WAS HAPPENING, but for some reason beyond me, my dumbass older brother was royally fucking up his chances with this girl who, honestly, was incredible.

"Do you wanna have a shower?" I ask her gently, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears. "It might make you feel a little better."

She nods so small I barely notice the nod at all, but before I know it, she's letting me guide her towards the ensuite bathroom attached to my lake house bedroom. I grab her a towel, a pair of sweats, one of my t-shirts and press a quick peck to her cheek as she bundles my clothes to her chest, padding her way to the shower in her drunken state.

The first thing I had to do was sober her up, so as soon as she closes the bathroom door, I walk as quickly as I can to the kitchen, gathering the bread, butter, and cheese like my life depended on it.

I hope she doesn't mind that I absolutely cannot cook to save my life, and the extent of my chef skills is a grilled cheese. Surely, in her state of mind, she'd just be impressed I even knew how to do that without burning the place down, right?

I grab out the biggest glass I can find, filling it to the brim with cold water and grabbing two Advils from the medicine box, pairing them with her freshly made grilled sandwich and ducking back to my bedroom, hoping not to be noticed.

The only person who sees me is Alex, who gives me a strange once over as I take my food and water to my room as fast as I can.

By the time I get back, Lily is bundled up under my grey covers, pouting to herself as she clutches the blankets to her chest. My heart aches at the sight of her, and I know deep down it's my fault.

Quinn would have never been pissed at her in the first place if I hadn't tried to screw her in her apartment two weeks ago. In my defence, I didn't know they'd been seeing each other—and by the looks of it, it wasn't casual.

Quinn didn't often fuck up like this, which meant he was genuinely hurt, but he was hurting Lily too, so I didn't know what to do. Help Lily and risk my relationship with my brother, or help my brother and watch a girl I have ever growing feelings for fall apart?

I didn't like either option, to be honest.

And I couldn't just stay out of it, not when she was looking at me like I held all the answers and I'd be abler to make the pain go away.

I sit down beside her on the edge of the bed, placing the grilled cheese and water on the nightstand. "You need to eat, doll, or at the very least drink water and take some pain killers, or you'll feel like hell in the morning."

"I don't care," she sulks, burying herself further under my covers.

A smile pulls at my lips as I pry the blankets away to find her no longer crying, but looking up at me innocently. "But, I do. So, eat up, pretty girl."

I pull her from her curled up position, helping her sit up and placing the plated sandwich on her lap. She inspects it with a scrunched nose. "Did you make me this?"

I nod once, trying to play it cool like I'm not totally flipping out at the idea that she might completely hate grilled cheese.

Though, she smiles slightly, taking a bite. "Thanks, Jack."

My heart settles for a moment as I run my hands through my hair. "It's all good."

He blinks up at me, taking another bite, swallows, then whispers: "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Quinn."

My whole body comes to a stand still. "It's okay, Lily, I told you, I'm not mad."

"But, you're upset," she says without thought, like it was painfully obvious, because, well, it was. "I saw you earlier, I made you cry."

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