26 | Quinn

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In fact, I hadn't heard from her in days, and I was starting to seriously worry, even when I asked Jack about her, he claimed to not really know—she hadn't spoken to him in days either.

We were good, or, I thought we were. We kissed, made up, I'd told her I was in love with her. But then a feeling of fear washes over me because she never said it back.

I'm standing amongst hundreds of kids being considered for the NHL draft, my body covered in a suit and my hair done nice. She was meant to be here. But so far, I hadn't seen her, and I hadn't seen Jack, either.

The doors burst open, and in runs my brother, he's panting, sweating, he looks flustered, shocked even, and I furrow my brows as our eyes meet, but I can't quite make out what he's trying to tell me with the bright lights shining down on me, straight in my eyes.

I almost don't hear my name being called, and at the time I probably couldn't have told you that I'd been drafted for the Vancouver Canucks, because all I could think about in that moment was Lily and Jack and why he looked so distraught.

It's not until it's all over, that I find Jack. He looks excited, so do my family, and I plaster a huge smile on my face, now in a Canucks cap and jersey. This was a huge moment, I should be excited, proud, but all I'm thinking of is her, and why she isn't here.

Everybody celebrates, and I take more photos than I can count with the people around me, hearing congratulations from every angle.

I turn to Jack, frowning. "Where is she?"

He shakes his head, like he's hiding something from me, and for a moment I'm terrified that maybe they slept together again, but then he's handing me a note, his bottom lip between his teeth.

"She left this taped to the front door," he tells me sadly, like it somehow hurts him too.

I snatch the paper from his hands, opening the note in a haste, and I feel my heart sink as I read the worlds over and over and over.


I'm sorry.
I love you too.

I furrow my eyebrows until I'm frowning so deep that tears well in my eyes. Glancing at Jack, I can tell he already knows I'm maybe too late, but I don't care. I wasn't about to let this girl slip through my fingers again, not after everything that's happened. Not now. Not when I'm sure shes all I want.

I take off at an all out sprint out of the auditorium full of hopeful new NHL players, pulling out my phone as I dial her number quickly, praying I'm not too late.

There's no answer.

"Fuck," I whisper, trying again, but the outcome is the same. "No, come on."

I keep trying, calling her a hundred times at least. I drive so fast I'm pretty sure I miss at least three red lights, but I have to get to her.

"Come on," I mutter as I'm sent to voicemail for the hundredth time. "Come on, Lily. I know that everything is still sort of a mess, I know you fell for both of us, I know you've had your heart broken but please don't give up on me."

I call her again.

"Why won't you answer?" I cry, pulling into her driveway hastily, my car basically parked sideways. I don't even turn it off as I throw myself out the door and run to her front door, banging on it harshly. "Lily! Lily! Baby, come on, open the door!"

Maya yanks the door open, and then she's frowning at me harshly as I push my way past her and into her house, stomping down the hall towards Lily's bedroom.

"Lily!" I cry, yanking the door open.

I'm shocked to my core to find that it's completely empty, from her desk to her bed to the photos she had hanging on her walls just days ago.

Maya stands behind me, frowning. "Shes gone, Quinn."

I turn to her with my heart in my throat, not wanting to believe her words. "No, she can't be. We made up, we were okay, it was gonna be okay."

"I don't know what to tell you, dude," Maya sighs, scratching her cheek. "She was clearly more torn up than she was letting on. Wouldn't even tell me where she was going."

"You're lying," I whisper, anger bubbling in my stomach. "She wouldn't just leave."

Maya rolls her eyes. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Quinn."

I'm back in my car before I know it, staring ahead as I drive on autopilot to my parent's house. Jack is waiting for me out the front, and before I can even think about what I'm doing, I storm up to him and I punch him square in the jaw.

He stumbles back a few steps, clutching at his bruised cheek. "What the hell, man?"

"This is your fault," I spit. "If you had just stayed away from her from the beginning she'd still be here."

"What?" Jack argued, narrowing his eyes. "What do you mean? Where is she?"

"I don't know, Jack!" I shout, tugging at the ends of my hair in frustration. He falters slightly, taking a step back at my raised voice. I take a deep, shaky breath, whispering: "I don't know."

"I'm sorry, Quinn," he tells me sadly, placing a hand over my shoulder. "I don't know you loved her."

I nod, blinking back tears. I know he didn't.

"You're gonna be okay, bro," he tells me quietly. "I mean, come on, you just got picked for the Canucks!"

A tiny smile flitters over my lips as I glance up at him. "It is pretty fucking cool."

"Hell yeah it is," he grins, throwing his arm around my shoulder. Then he's hugging me into his side. "Come inside, Mom's made roast, try to distract yourself."

"Okay," I whisper, putting my head on his shoulder and letting him guide me inside.

"Let's never fucking argue over a girl again," he teased, trying his best to keep the conversation light so I wouldn't have to think about her. He turns to me, sees how torn up I am, and whispers: "I'll get Trevor to try and find her, okay?"

I nod. "Yes, please."

Then he plants a kiss on my head. "Love you."

"Love you," I tell him back, sucking in a breath and trying to plaster a smile on my lips.

In Every Universe | Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now