10 | Quinn

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COLE CAUFIELD WAS STARING AT ME LIKE I WAS HIDING SOMETHING. I mean, I was, but he didn't have any business knowing that. I was skating laps of the rink, trying to warm myself up for practice when we locked eyes, and he narrowed his gaze on me, trying to puzzle me out. My heart hammered in my chest, afraid that he'd find out that I had been hiding the much younger girl in the shower with me.

I definitely did not need any of my friends finding out. I can only imagine how fast the rumours about us would spread around the University, and how fast my team would jump at the opportunity to tease me about having feelings for a girl—completely out of character for me.

Scooping up a puck from the ice, I begin passing it left and right against my stick, handling it with precision and focus before slamming it as hard as I can towards the goal. It misses, just, and instead slams against the back boards with a splitting bang.

"Woah," my brother chuckles, nudging my shoulder playfully before tapping my stick against his. "What's gotten into you, old man? You seem pissed."

"I'm not pissed," I tell him, shrugging him off causally.

I'm horny.

"Well, just go easy on the puck, yeah?" Jack teased. "What'd it ever do to you, huh?"

I smirk at him, trying to play it cool like I wasn't a total flustered mess at the idea of being forced into such close proximity with Lily just mere moments ago. I wondered if she found my car okay, or if she was okay driving it, or if she found my house without any problems, or if my room mates were going easy on her? A million questions swarmed in my head and the longer I thought about her, the more worried I became.

I'd just unintentionally sent her into a lions den. Sure, most of our housemates were here, for training, but the few that remain could be a little full on and very straight forward. They wouldn't go easy on her, no way. The fact that she was a freshmen girl who was admittedly quite fucking delicious, they'd jump at her faster than I could stop them.

The thought makes my blood boil as I smack another puck at the boards, hearing it make the same crack as before.

I whack my stick on the ice, pissed that I hadn't thought it through and had sent Lily alone to my house. I prayed she go unnoticed, or at the very leave showed the boys that same attitude she always gave me. I immediately take that thought back, that attitude was just for me.

I hope she ignores them.

Oh god, what if she thought any of them were hot?

Now fully convinced that I'd dug my own grave and completely pissed off, I smacked yet another puck.

"Hate to be on the opposing team to him today," Jack mumbled, taking a sip of his water from his bottle.

"Any ideas what's up?" Cole asked, leaning against the boards to get water of his own.

Trevor skates over to the boys, tossing his stick and gloves to the ice. "What's up with Huggy?"

"No idea," Jack shrugged. "Maybe something to do with his new lady?"

A chorus of surprised gasps sounded as the surrounding boys skated in Jack's direction, eager to hear who this mystery girl was who had their team mate all hung up and edgy.

"Relax, jackasses," Alex chuckled, rolling his eyes. "They're not even dating."

"Just because you're jealous," Cole added, punching his friend's shoulder.

"Fuck off."

A whistle blew behind Jack and his friends, signalling the begging of practice, and all boys on the ice skated towards their coach with speed, their heads pulled in and ready to train.

In Every Universe | Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now