14 | Quinn

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TO SAY I WAS CONFUSED WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. I could have sworn that sealing the deal with Lily had meant that we were maybe back to being on good terms, or at the very least she'd talk to me. Yet, it had been an entire week and so far she'd just avoided me. More than that, I swear she's hanging out with Trevor, Jack and Alex more just to get under my skin.

I'd never liked the same girl as my brother before, not ever, but here he was openly flirting with her at the cafe while she ordered her coffee. I sat in the booth with my group of friends while she and Jack waited in the line to order. He was standing behind her, his arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder. Of course, my brother didn't know that Lily and I had done the deed, so I couldn't blame him for trying to shoot his shot with the prettiest girl, maybe ever.

But why now? He hadn't liked her in high school, so why the fuck was he pressing his lips to her neck now? And why the fuck was she letting him?

Sure, we'd spoken about how we didn't want anything serious, that neither of us has time for that, but that didn't mean go and let my brother be all over her? I'd seen Alex be a little too touchy with her, maybe she genuinely thought that was acceptable friendly behaviour?

Tyler must have been trying to talk to me, because suddenly he's tossing fries at my face and asking if I'm even listening. I mumble out a quick apology, but don't take my eyes away from Lily and Jack as she starts to giggle at his words, whatever they were, then turns to face him with a slight blush and a pout.

Jack's eyes light up at the sight of her, before he pecks her nose playfully and she pretends to swat him away. My heart sinks, why did it feel like I was watching the start of a relationship between them?

What the fuck was the point of sleeping with me if she was just going to immediately start seeing my brother.

I pull out my phone, texting her, now that I finally had her number.

Why the fuck is my brother all over you?

I watch her fish for her phone, glancing at it for a brief moment before she pulls away from Jack all together, and begins typing a response.

I thought we said nothing serious?

That doesn't mean run straight to my brother

He's just being friendly, this is how Jack is, how's he's always been with girls.

Not with my girl.
I'm right behind you Lily, get your ass over here.

And if I say no?

Do I have to remind you whose girl you are, darling?

A part of me, a big part, knew that I was being selfish with her. We'd both agreed that neither of us wanted a relationship, and yet here I was openly dominating her and making sure she knew where she belonged, and for fuck sake it wasn't with Jack.

When she doesn't respond, and instead frowns at me from across the cafe before exiting with a coffee in her hands and pushing her way out into the cool breeze of the campus courtyard,  I feel my blood boil.

I text her again before I can stop myself

Careful, sweetheart, we're studying together tonight and I know all the ways to make sure you stop acting like a brat.

Then again, I fucking loved brats, and I had to admit, the way she was brushing me off was turning into a secret kink that I didn't know I had. Knowing I had to get my hormones under control for the sake of our assignment, I opt for switching my phone off all together, in fear that her response is snappy and harsh and really pushes me over the edge.

In Every Universe | Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now