23 | Quinn

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I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I'VE APOLOGISED TO LILY, but it was at the point where I was going absolutely insane. I know I fucked up, that she had every right to be pissed, and I definitely don't blame her for running straight to Jack. He was good to her, treated her well, didn't bring other girls home just to make her angry.

A the time, I'd been angry, drunk, and in the mindset that if Lily could kiss my brother then I could kiss whoever I wanted too. I thought she'd cry for me, maybe even beg me to stop, I'd been wildly wrong.

Summer passed, and now the girl I'm completely in love with, hadn't just slipped through my fingers, she was blatantly dating my brother. He wouldn't tell me if it was official or not, in fact, he barely brought her up around me, even though I tried repeatedly to get him to cave. He was keeping Lily close, like a secret.

He was doing what I had done, but for some reason, she didn't want them to be a secret. Immediately after I fucked up at the lake house, I wake up the next morning to Jack and Lily all over each other, and it continued for weeks, no matter how many times I tried to get her alone, to beg for forgiveness, she didn't want a bar of it.

We're days away from the school semester starting again and about to head to a party at Jackson Wang's house. I'd never been to a party that he'd thrown, but I heard they got out of hand pretty quick. Artsy kids and their house parties, I swear.

We've been pre-gaming as a team at our house, the place littered with empty beers that we'd worry about in the morning. I knew Lily would be here, so when Bree asked to come over early, I'd immediately told her no, then reminded her that we weren't together, she was just a distraction.

I didn't even want her, but I also couldn't stand the idea that my baby brothers bedroom held the girl I wanted so badly, and so I needed something to keep me from ripping down the door and prying them apart.

Right now, I'm leaning against the kitchen counter, drinking shots of vodka with Alex and Trevor, waiting for Jack to finally be ready so we could go.

There's an abrupt knock on the door that pulls me from my daydream about Lily and a time when she was mine and only mine, and I stand to get it before anyone else can. At first, I think maybe it's just a few boys from the lacrosse team, since Trevor also played lacrosse, but I'm entirely wrong.

I swing the door open with confidence, clearing my throat as soon as I do, because behind the door is Emily, Maya and—

"Lily," I breathe, blinking at her in disbelief. She hardly came here anymore, unless it was past midnight and she was sneaking into Jack's room. She stares at me, her expression faltering for a fraction of a second, like the sight of me still makes her upset, before she sets a hard frown on her features. "I, um—"

Her face lights up, and momentarily I think it's because of me, then I realise she's looking past me, to Jack.

She pushes past me, not even looking in my direction as she skips up to him happily, throws her arms around his necks and her legs around his hips, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

A feeling of loss washes over me, and I want to protest, to tell them to not do that shit in front of me, but I'm in no place to tell her that, and so instead, I sigh and swallow my feelings with a swig of beer.

Maya claps a hand over my shoulder, shaking her head. "Should have locked her down while you still had her, dumbass."

She's right, but I don't give her a response, and instead stay standing in the doorway while Jack lays as much as affection over her as he can, walking with Lily still in his arms into the kitchen.

Alex walks out the second they walk in; his eyes wide as he makes direct eye contact with me. "I don't wanna see that shit any more than you do, if I'm honest."

In Every Universe | Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now