forgive me

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Y/n pov:it was the next day and I was not tired anymore so I got up and cook something for me and.....lumi I made so vegetable omelets with a side of hash brown and coffee for me and o.j for him i didn't know if he liked coffee."hey good morning y/n did you sleep well". Umm...ya I guess you can say that. Well I made breakfast.i didn't know if you liked coffee or not you some o.j.... but if you don't what it it's totally fine."oh no no no it's fine I don't like coffee so you guest Right".oh ok then enjoy I'll....go take my your self to what you what.. ok than..bye."i got in the shower the feeling of the warm water hitting my skin and hair was amazing I was 5m in my shower when I heard a knock on the door.
Lumi's pov:I need the bathroom really bad and she was taking long I tried to be nice but I needed the bathroom in guess she didn't hear me because she was not answering me so...I let my self in she did say help your self to anything I what.i was taking my shower when the door opened it started me i tried to see who it was and cozer myself.dont worry I'm not gonna look.ok... u could have waited geez.i couldn't i need to go.o-kkkk then herry up so I can get out."we'll get out if you want to". WHAT! NO YOU'RE IN HERE i-i-im not gonna get out while you are in here GET OUT!."GEEZ GEEZ ok I'll get out no need to release the devil on me".once he got out I got out in my outfit for today (this is your outfit)

once he got out I got out in my outfit for today (this is your outfit)

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(You can choose. Me I choose the one with the red sweater.)

Once I was finished getting dressed I walked out the door to go get cat food and another bad for him because I thought it was a girl so I named him....I DID think of naming him lumi BUT I changed my mind..and named him Levi (hehehe Levi) when I was getting his stuff I called lumi to ask if he what'd anything.

The call:
Y/n💔😁: hello
Y/n💔😁:do you want anything from the store.
Lumi😅😱:......ya get me some hot fries and some chocolate and a sprite thxss
Y/n💔😁ya no problem see ya later byeee

End of call

I got his stuff and the stuff for the cat and me I left the store I was struggling to put the stuff in the car when a boy walked up to me and asked if I needed help or anything.oh hi yes I do.he puts it in the car.umm hi im y/n and you are."oh ya sorry im leo nice to met you...if you don't mind me asking ca-ca-can i have your number".ohh ya sure you can have my number ohh ok there you go ill see you later byee. When I get back home I unlock the door and lumi was nowhere to be found I thought he left I put one bag at a time because I couldn't hold all the bags at once when I was about to set up the stuff for the cat I herd a knock on the door i dropped my bags and went to the door and opened it I thought it was going to be it was going to be lumi but it was the guy from the store.ummmhey ho-how did you find my house."oh i saw you go in the house i live next door". Ohh I didn't even know that d-d-do you what to come in side it is cold outside come in."oh ya think you". would you like something to eat or drink."oh on I'm fine".ok if you say so well what do you want to do."umm i don't know mabe wach a move".ya sure.wached Annabelle i feel asleep it was the next day when i woke up i dient srr anyone than i saw.......

(Find out love ya 😍 ❤️😗)

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