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Guys it's been awhile I just wanted to say thank you for all the supports and votes and for the ppl that don't vote dont be a silent reader but thank you so so much love you guys❤️🙂

I wake up my hair messy I had a bad headache. I get up and check on the kids the sleeping so I take a shower and get dressed I go on a jog after ten minutes I go home to see lumi awake. "Oh hi lumi I didn't know you were awake. Yeah I know you did you were out. Yeah I want for a jog did the kids give you trouble. No they didn't but there awake. Oh ok than." I go upstairs and feed the kids (there bottle fed ofc) I than take them bathes and get the dressed. I put them in there play pin and I go do some cleaning. "Well... are you just gonna stand there or help me. Oh yeah sorry ofc....what do I do. Are you serious just sit down and watch the kids. Oki can do that. Ok like they cry there either hungry, bored, are they just want there pacifier. If there bored just take them out there play pin and put them on the floor on the mat. Ok." I go clean the rest of the house I hear one of the babys cry it was Lilly. "It's ok I got it you can finish work. Are you sure. Yeah I'll be fine. Ok if you say so." With that I go and finish my House work.
*4 hours later*
I finished my work I take a shower and I feed the kids again and put them to sleep."well.....the kids are asleep now what do you want to do. I don't know..let's just watch a movie or something. Ok sure...I'll get the stuff I'll be right back." I go and go get the snacks. I sit next to him. We watch the movie I try not fall asleep but I fall asleep anyway. I last time I remembered I fall asleep on his shoulder.He picks me up and carry me up stairs to my room he lay me down and cover me, he made sure the kids were sleeping than left.
The next day

I wake up in my bed I look around than I got up, and go to the kids room they are still sleeping. I make breakfast and bottles for the kids wake up. I eat breakfast and go for a short run before the kids wake. I get back and I opened the kids door to see I'm BSF (I still Don't remember her name) I jumped. "Girl what the hell u doing here. Don't u remember you gave me a key. Yeah I remember I didn't say appear out of on were  early in the morning. Geez ok I just wanted to see the little ones....OoOoO can I be there godmother. Yeah sure so how have you been it's been awhile. Yeah I know I've been working now that I'm out of highschool. Wow leave me behind huh. Your not that far what your in 9th grade huh. Yeah. Well...yeah you got awhile but hay a least you got someone to tell you the experience. Uh-huh." We both laughed. When walk up the kid and feed them than take their baths.
I get call when we are playing with them I step away for a second and answer it.
The call
Y/n: "hello?"
Lumi:"uh hi.."
Y/n:"oh...hi you need something"
Y/n: "what is it?"
Lumi: "I wanted to say I'm sorry..I didn't know it would have effected you this much.."
Y/n: "thanks for the apology..and yes it did because what 15yo get pregnant and have them at 16...yeah that font sond to right does it...and next tim-"
Lumi: "ok first I apologize so I Don't need any of your attitude thank you."
Y/n: "I wouldn't have a attitude if-" he hung up he didn't want to stress you are fuss with you so he hung up. I was surprised and confused but I shook it off and want back to my bsf and the kids (y'all help me out here I forgot the kids names. Ofc I wouldn't do this in irl💀 but help me)"hey welcome back who was on the phone. Oh it was just lumi.oh". (Oh and jus a little spoiler in the future I will us lumi's real name which is "Marco" okk byee. Oh and if y'all didn't know y/n is 16 now😁) afyer awhile it became dark so we put them to sleep. Me and my bsf started drinking at first I insist but she convinced me to drink I started drinking and drinking and drinking she told me she was going home but I never paid her no mind I kept drinking in tell I passed out. I passed out on the floor the vodka spilling on the floor as my hands still wrapped around it.
Lumi's pov
I was going to check up on Y/n. I knocked on the door but no answer I twist the door knob and it was open I shrugged my shoulders and walked in I see her on the floor (and if y'all couldn't tell this I from "I want to see you on the floor by lumi Athena"🤭) i tilted my head in confuseion she made me feel sime type of way when shes druk its like desire. I crawl on top of her I looked at her for a second I than picked her up and brought her to her room I put her on the bed and covered her up I walked out I want to the kids room and checked on them than I want home.
*The next day*
I wake up with the worst headache i feel dizzy that's when I see someone my vision was blurry but the sat me down and gave me two pills and water it made my headache go away but I fall asleep. Once she fell asleep I put the covers on her and take care of the kids In tell she wake up. It now 1pm I go and check on her  I wake her up "hey the kids are feed and stuff the waching TV are whatever". Before I could even say thanks he left. I get up and go in the living room and see the kids in there high chair watching TV. All I could do is smile. I texted him tank you. He left me on sern but i didn't really care. I took the kids the the park. I put the kids on the swings and pushed them I was laughing because they were smiling and  they were gummy. (Yall know how bbys smile but have no teeth

Like this they had no pics so I used my bby cuz) I felt someone watching me I looked all around me I got closer to the kids just I case I started to feel uncomfortable and unsafe I take the kids out the swings and I walked them to the car they were taking step by so I picked them up and but the in there car seats and I got in the car quickly and locked the door that when something slammed into my window make me jump and the kids cry I look and see who it is it was lumi I roll down the window. "You scared the hell out of me." I reached to the back to the the bikniks in there month (yall i forgot the others word for those things that go in bbys mouth when the cry🤣💀) "sorry didn't mean to. What you need something. No...can I come with you. Um sure. Where are you going. Well I was going back home. Oh ok." He gets in the car than I drove away. I make it back home. I get out the car I was but to take the kids out when lumi did it I was standing there confused. "Well aren't you going to open the door. Oh..um yeah yeah." I open the door and closed it behind he as soon as I closed the door it started pouring down rainin. "Good thing we made it here in time. Yeah mhm." I didn't know what to do. "Umm....they food in the fridge if your hungry...and I guess your staying here with me." I locked the door and sat down. "So...where do you want me to sleep. Oh...oh...right um. It doesn't matter. Mk." (it's another way of saying ok) I take my shower and go to my room but lumi was in my bed so I want to the living room I fall asleep. I woke up to y/n not in bed i go to look for her and she was sleeping on the couch. I picked her up and put her in the bed and covered her up I than go and sleep in the guest room cause obviously she's not comfortable.

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