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My hand was covered in bruises that matched the pale blue color of my eyes. The purple surrounding my knuckles looked nastier than before and the bruise started to changed to a greenish color.

The bruises on my face could be explained, another bully at school. The one on my hand that I received in the fight wasn't as easy to explain.

I fought underground, illegally, for fun and money. I grew up on the poorer side of town with anger issues.

Get the picture?

My trainer had told me to cover up and I took it to the extreme by becoming the school nerd.

My headphones were plugged in, creating a pounding throughout my skull. I loved the feeling when the base sounded.

My one and only friend Brett tugged on the sleeve of my hoodie, talking about something.

He, knowing about my fights and also being a nerd, paid attention in class.

I pulled out the earbud and looked at him.


"The teacher has caught on. It's fairly obvious you're listening to music, I'd say pay attention." He whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, I know! Pay attention, blah blah!" I replied playfully making him roll his eyes.

"Just fucking listen to the teacher, damn it!"

"Okay, okay. Fine." I pulled out the earbuds and looked at the woman who was obviously staring at me. She was young and attractive, if I were younger and not gay, I would have had a crush on her.

She bit her lip and turned back to the board.

My eyes narrowed.

"You did that on fucking purpose!" I shoved Brett's shoulder as he laughed.

Math came easy to me, as did all of the subjects, but this class was easier than the rest.

I had been put in all honors classes, requested by my trainer.

I have straight A's.

The bell rang and the slutty teacher called after me but I ignored her.

My next class was English and this one was by far the easiest. My grammar was perfect, my spelling was even greater.

Brett had all of his classes with me except for one, physical education.

Now, that class was my favorite. It was at the end of the day and I got to watch people make fools of themselves.

The gym teacher took kindly to me, thinking I was a weakling. Ha.

I'd like to fight him one day...

Yesterday, they did the climbing wall while I held back, sitting on the bleachers.

Coach called me up and I looked up at the wall. It wasn't very high, I've done a wall way higher with less grips in a mere minute.

My eyes lolled and I grabbed the first grip. A boy about my height, maybe a little taller, grabbed the grip next to me. We were apparently racing.

He was dark and handsome, Damon, the bad boy, was.

My heart began to race.

I didn't want to win against him in front of all these people but I hated to lose on purpose. Giving up a free win physically hurt me.

Looking around the gym, I saw two girls. They were sitting on the bleachers, tapping absently on their phones. One girl had brown hair with bangs that hung over one eye and the other had brown hair with blue and teal tips.

They were obviously not paying attention in the class and I chuckled slightly. They seemed much like Brett.

Coach blew the horn and I yanked myself up the wall, going slow so Damon could get ahead of me. He was shirtless and I could see his nice back muscles from here.

Returning to reality, I pulled myself up again quickly and rushed ahead of him before slowing down again.

I sighed and pouted slightly.

I let him win and we slid down the rope at the same speed, him turning his head away from me.

Fine, be that way. If I ever fight you, I'm beating your ass.

I sound so much like Brett right now!

My memory lasted no longer and I stared at the blank white board ahead.

"Mr.Fairfield? Could you please spell this?"

I looked at the board and I swear my mind was playing tricks on me when the speaker blurted out 'illegal.'

We are in high school for crying out loud!

"I-l-l-e-g-a-l." I spelt it out carefully, pronouncing every article.

The teacher, a older man, eyed me approvingly.

I sighed internally.

We had one more class before lunch.

The bell rang and I rushed out of the class, running into a wall before I got to my history class.

"Fucking hell!" I grunted.

"Watch it, nerd." The dark voice of Damon Xavier boomed.

"You watch it, man whore!"

He chuckled and grabbed my neck. My eyes narrowed and I resisted the sudden urge to throat chop him.

"At least I can get the girls, what'd you do?"

"Fix grammar errors, it's 'what do' not 'what'd.'" I stated and he held on to my throat tighter.

"Fuck, I've got to get to class!" I wheezed.

He let go and I ran into the class room, glaring behind me at the bad boy.

"Hayes Fairfield, you're late." My history teacher stated the blatant obvious.

"Yes sir, I was. I apologize." I hated being nice. It was not in my blood. Both my parents were dead and I got calls from my little brother's school about his bullying issues.

He was the bully.

And knowing me, I slightly encouraged it.

I zoned out of this class and waited for the bell to ring while watching Brett pop his gum several times.

Admiring the look of him, Brett was a fairly attractive boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. His thick rimmed glasses accented his straight nose.

"Dude, stop staring. I know I'm attractive and all, and you're gay, but still..." he looked nervously at me and it was super adorable!

"Sorry, sorry!" I held up my hands defensively.

He cracked a grin and turned back to the lesson.

I laid my head back and tried to fall asleep but my head began hurting.

The bell rang for lunch after a while and I slowly followed Brett to the cafeteria.

"Great, MeatChoke." I winked at Brett and he laughed.

The meatloaf they served was utterly disgusting. I'm not quite sure how they allow the people to serve it.

I shook my head, disappointed.

I can't wait until my fight tonight.

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