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I wrapped my fist, my trainer standing beside me.

"Knock 'em dead, kid." He patted my shoulder and I blinked at him.

If he wants them dead, he'll get them dead.

Since this is illegal fighting, you could kill a person and you'd only have to pay a small fare for someone to create a good story for the police to believe.

I jumped into the ring and stood there as a bulky guy walked up.

He grinned like a mad man and spit on the already disgusting mat.

I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes.

These idiots continue to think they can scare me. They are most definitely not threatening.

He jumped around riling the crowd but you could hear a pin drop.

The whole crowd was silent, waiting for my move.

The man got angry from not being able to rile the crowd and I grinned.

Everyone's got a weak spot.

He threw a punch and I easily dodged it. He got even angrier which was quite funny to watch.

He began throwing punches, left and right. I dodged every one of them and swept his feet from under him. He hit the mat with a 'thud!'

I punched the back of his neck and he went limp. I smirked.

People were always my strength. I could read them, I could weaken them.

Two 'officials' dragged the man out of the ring and called another name.

"Oliver! Versus, Blaze!"

A boy a bit smaller than me stood. He had light hair and blue eyes.

He was attractive, I admit but, he's a competitor none-the-less.

My breathing barely increased. My hair stuck to my sweat stained skin.

The boy enters the ring.

I eyed him, standing there. Unfazed.

I was calm and collected. Happy, even.

He pushed his blonde hair up, out of his eyes.

Oliver got into some position as I stayed where I was. A smirk smacked my face and he narrowed his eyes.

The bell rang and I lunged at him. He dodged me by a centimeter and tried kicking me. A sad attempt, I'd say.

I grabbed his leg and threw him down. He got up quickly before I had to chance to pin him, him knowing that would have been the end.

I circled him and him, me.

He took a step, faking a punch and I stood. I honestly didn't care, I loved the pain.

I could tell he was trying to find my weaknesses but I drilled those out a while ago. It's the only way to win.

Before he blinked, I created a sickening crack with my fist against his nose. The sound sent a smile to my face.

He stepped back and shook his head, blood splattered to the ground.

While I was watching the blood, he payed a kick to my stomach and I grunted. He then punched me and I spit a little, grinning.

I faked anger to scare the boy.

While he was looking for my emotion, I kicked his legs from under him.

He hit his head.

I kicked his stomach and heard another satisfying crack.

He tried to get up on his shaky arms and actually managed to stand.

I let him stand all the way up then punched him in the face, knocking him over again.

The bell rang and someone raced in to help Oliver off. He held a towel to his nose and continued to watch me.

A new guy entered. He was twice my size, if not more.

This was going to be easy! He was already limping!

I took him down in seconds and threw in a fancy neck-chop, too.

He fell in minutes and still, my breathing wasn't ragged yet.

I stepped out of the ring, taking a break for a while and watching another guy step up. He was dark, his hair black and his eyes an emerald green. He was mysterious and I liked those type of guys, I mean. Who doesn't?

He won the fight he was in and gave me a look, challenging me to enter the ring.

One thing about me, I never turn down a competition and I never rematch. I win, I win. Done deal.

I'd seen him with the Oliver kid and their trainer. I think their trainer told him to challenge me.

I smirked at the thought. He wants one less student, I guess.

They called his name, 'Demon.' Ha!

My name was spoken through the speaker, jeers of the crowd surrounded the small ring as I entered it.

My muscles and strength renewed, I jumped a little. To become more comfortable, the crowd was riled enough.

The man on the other side of the ring seemed familiar, his face recognizable.

The bell rang and that's when I realized I was screwed.

The man in front of me went to my school.

He was everyone's dream guy.

Damon Xavier.

My face was blown to the right from the blow to the left side of my face.

"Fuck!" I spit.

I tasted the warm, metallic liquid on my lips and spit that out too.

He punched my face again then got my stomach.

Damon's eyes were wild and I knew if I didn't fight back, I'd be done. I don't lose.

With renewed passion, I kicked him off.

I punched his face, his stomach, kicked his side. I even went to the extreme as to throat chop him. Then I swept his feet from beneath him.

Holding his neck down, I tsked.

"Damon Xavier, who would have thought! This is great. You thought no one would know, what a mistake!" I scoffed. He went limp and tapped out.

Before he could examine my face thoroughly, I turned and lept out of ring.

"Good job, kid! You did great, like always!" My trainer smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Thanks. I've got to go, a few of those guys go to my school and I don't want them to know who I am." I rushed and he nodded.

I threw on my sweatshirt and sweatpants. They hid the bruises well.

The hood was pulled up over my head and shadowed my face.

Damon ran after me.

I ran out of the ring and jumped into my car, speeding to Brett's house and gathering Blaine.

When I got home, I stripped and flopped onto my bed.

Sleep didn't come to me that night. All I could think of was Damon.

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