Chapter 37 The thirty-seventh BUG

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After lunch, Shun Kaito seemed to have received some kind of signal, and he was full of energy all afternoon.

After finally getting out of school, he immediately packed his schoolbag and approached Yushan and Kusuo, "Dark Reunion's power is too powerful. For your safety, I have to protect your safety!" After translating this sentence It means - let’s go together after school!

It seems that he has gotten into trouble...

Kaito is now using man-marking measures, and then wants to create some common memories between Yoshida and Saiki! Going home together is just the first step!

Shun Kaito, who made friends for the first time, got the wrong script completely!

"Hmm..." Yushan rubbed his chin and thought, how should he reject the enthusiastic Kaito? Other times, it doesn't matter whether we want to join him or not, but today Kusuo is going to take him to KTV to sing!

It was the majestic song that he had been thinking about for many days.

At this time, only two people are enough!

"Hey partner, let's go eat ramen together!" Randoli's daily ramen invitation. Among Rando's preferences, ramen is definitely at the top of the list.

Rendo Riki and Kaito Shun are definitely brothers suffering from the same problem. Neither of them has many friends in the class.

Unlike Kaito, who was kept at a distance because of his status as a junior high school student, Riki Zendo definitely intimidated his classmates based on his appearance. Even though he was actually just an ordinary idiot, no one believed that he was not one because of his face. Delinquent boy.

Rendo Riki has always been feared in the class, and the only one who can talk and act with him is Kusuo Saiki. In other words, Kusuo is the only 'friend' among the three classes in the first year, and maybe now he can add Yushan. .

He just wanted to benefit his ears, why was it so difficult? !


Yushan's eyes lit up, and he said seriously to Kaito who was waiting for their answer: "Don't worry, Kaito, there is no need to worry about our safety, Kusuo will protect me. But you, haven't you been being hunted by Dark Reunion? Your personal safety is the most important thing to consider."

"But, but..." Haito expressed that he was aggrieved, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ren Tangli's loud voice.

"What?! Little dwarf, are you being chased now!"

"By the way, Haito, how about letting Ran Tang protect you!"

"Eh?" Haito was dumbfounded.

"What a good idea." Kusuo praised sincerely.

"Ah?" Ran Tang realized belatedly that he was only nominated, and immediately patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, little dwarf, I will definitely protect you!" Youshan

nodded, "It's okay if you two come together. Don't worry, the two of you can go and eat ramen on the way home."

"吆西!" Ran Tang nodded fiercely after hearing the ramen. Although it was a pity that he couldn't eat with his partner, the short man said It's okay, "Let's go, little dwarf!"

In the classroom, Yushan and Kusuo watched as Rando dragged him away. Their hands kept reaching out to Shun Kaito, who seemed to have something to say, and they looked away after the figure disappeared. .

Well, now that there’s no one in the way, they should be able to sing (listen) happily together!

There is an idiom that says, "Good things take their time." It is most appropriate to use it at this time.

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