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I blush at the offer. "Are you sure? I mean, I'll be fine sleeping on the sofa..?" She smiles at my manners.

"It's fine, plus, I'm cold. Anyway, let's watch a movie. I'm thinking a sad dog movie about life and happiness." I let out a breathy chuckle at her suggestion.

"How about marley and me. Have you watched that one?" She shakes her head.

"Well, that sounds like a perfect one, then." She says while lifting up the covers and insisting I sit with her.

I smile before joining her under the covers. My eyelids begin to draw to a close, blackness filling my vision.

I wake up to crying to seeing taylor with a box of tissues, looking at the tv as the dog dies.

"He dies?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I smile at her. "What?" She laughs over tears.

"You're so pretty." I admire her beauty and she looks deep into my eyes for a moment before doing something I never would've expected.

She cups my face in her hands, smashing her lips against mine, the spark there as I begin to kiss her back, softening into the surprise. Out of nowhere she stands up, breathing heavily and panicking.

"Oh my god. I shouldn't of done that, I'm so sorry. It- I dont-," but I don't allow her to finish, standing up and simplu leaning in, grabbing her waist and pulling her close, kissing her back and hopefully comforting her that's its alright.

"No, taylor, don't doubt yourself, it was amazing." I pull away, her smiling at me.

"I've never felt like this before. Not For anyone." She admits still standing close to me. A tear falls from eye. I suppose I've never felt loved enough that now, when I do feel loved, it's making me confused because who would love me.

"Not even for Harry styles?" I ask jokingly and she let's out a breathy chuckle.

"Not even for him." She smiles at me.

"I guess you must really like me then." She gives me one last peck on the lips as I say this.

"I do really like you. A lot." She yawns after this. " I think we should get some sleep." I nod at her words.

"Yeah." I agree, lying back down on the bed, her joining next to me.

"Sleep well." She mutters to me and I mutter a you too back as we both sit next to each other, cuddling.

I think I've found my person for life. Forever.


My eyes flicker open as I immediately see taylor sitting on the end of the bed cross legged and watching the news.

"I'm afraid the floods all over new York aren't gonna settle down for at least a few days. Meanin-," thaylor interrupts the news man, turning the tv off and turning to look at me, her knowing that I'm awake after hearing me yawn.

"Looks like you're stuck here for a while." She says and I smile, picking up my phone to message Danni but as soon as I turn silent off, hundreds of notifications come to me from both tiktok and Instagram. I check why tiktok since I don't post anything. My followers have gone up to forty thousand point two. Hundreds of people have tagged me in a video of mw carrying taylor out of the coffee shop.

I even see some edits of it before putting my phone down and following taylor downstairs to get some breakfast.

(A/N: idk how tf thirty Yr olds act since I'm a teenage girl but idc so they may seem childish but ignore that).

Taylor has some waffles with blueberries and syrup and I have some cheese on toast which she nods at but when I begin to put beans on it, she gasps in disgust. "You actually eat that?" She sounds offended.

"It's a delicacy." I say while eating it, making her wrinkle her nose and continue to eat her waffles. "Hey, don't judge if you haven't tried it." I laugh and she insists I make her some so I do. How, this probably won't go down well at all.

I pass her the slice and she immediately looks like she's sucked on a lemon.

"Oh my god its not that bad!" She puta the toast down with a slight look of disgust before eating more of her waffles.

"So, I was thinking, most of new York is flooded but there's this ice skating rink in Central and its not flooded around there. Would you wanna go?" She asks me over eating the waffles.

"Sure, that sounds fun!" I say as I finish my beans and cheese on toast.

"As a date?" Taylor asks making me blush and smile.

"What else would it be?"

wildest dreams | taylor X Girl OC.Where stories live. Discover now