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The quiet whirr of the Aircon sounds in the waiting to board area we both cling onto our suitcases, her hand linked in mine as we hear the paparazzi get held back by a few guards. They still get photos of taylor but the thing that's driving her anxiety more than anything else is the continued questions about her love life, sexuality, all of the things that were asked the day of the cofee date.

"We'll be boarding soon, font worry." I give her hand a reassuring squeeze when the door opens, revealing a tired and smart flight attendant. There's only a few other people on the flight but she still looks annoyed with the amount and I can't blame her.

The woman guides me and taylor to a joint two seat window part of first class.

The seats are practically beds with small tables just below the screens. There's walls between the booths which you can slide up and down to allow some privacy and everything smells clean. I've only been in economy class before and this feels like almost too much.

I still sit down, smiling, at the window seat while pulling the soft blanket over me.

I'm about to fall asleep when I remember that I'll need to stay awake for the flight otherwise I'll have really bad jet lag.

"Taylor, obviously I'm not gonna tell you to but its probably best if we stay up since we'll be arriving at 1 pm in Scotland so we'll have really bad jet lag." She nods, understanding and resting her head on my shoulder.

"You a fan of horror?" I ask, looking down. She shakes her head. "Disney?"

"Obviously but I think we should watch cheesy romcoms." I smile and laugh slightly before putting on a Christmas movie called; 'under the mistltoe'.

Around an hour in, taylor falls asleep but I don't want to wake her since she looks so pieceful.

Instead, I play with her hair and lay back, watching loads of different kind of movies from smile to trolls.

"Passengers, we are approaching landing." I hear a voice boom from the speakers, startling taylor awake who's rubbing her eyes.

"Ugh, how long was I out?" She asks groggily.

"The whole flight." She smiles at the good ten hours she's had asleep.

She starts to cuddle back up to me when the flight attendant walks over.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you need to exit the plane now." I smile softly at her, indicating that we'll do that now.

"Tay-," I say before realising the nickname that's slipped my lips. She looks up at the nickname, smiling.

"That's cute. You should call me that." I ease as she says the words, relaxing that she didn't say anything negative.

"Tay we need to go." I rub her shoulder sadly and so she gets up, stretching and smiling at the view of a foot of snow just outside the plane. Yup, we're definitely in Scotland now.

"Is it this snowy all the time?" She asks me with slight excitement in her tone.

"Most of the time either that or it's raining. Mostly snow." I quirk my head slightly making her grin and grab her bag, turning the movie off and putting her sheets back to neat and tidy. I do the same and then we get off. This is when I realise that she's wearing crocks. In the snow.

Just as she's about to make contact with the floor I point it out and she immediately stops, unsure of what to do. "Looks like I'll have to carry you again. What a shame." I say sarcastically while scooping her up and carrying her towards the airport, in my boots. It only takes a few moments to get to the airport since it isn't far from the plane and when I put her down, she's laughing and breathing heavily, smiling at me. We walk over to the luggage area when a flash catches my eye from behind me and u turn to look. The paps. Oh isn't that delightful.

"Tay, the paps are here." Shr turns to look and groans slightly, still having a smile on her face though this time it's less joy and more fake. I squeeze her hand comfortingly and she squeezes mine back.

We get handed our suitcases and then head for the cars when I remember about the snow again. But we've got our suitcases... how the fuck am I meant to carry her.

I crouch down and insist that she piggy backs on me. She laughs while doing so.

"This is so ridiculous." She laughs while I pull both of her suitcase.

Out of what feels like nowhere, the paparazzi jump out, asking her loads of questions so she falls off of my back, the shock making her jump. She clearly lands at a painful angle because she looks slightly teary eyed at me making me angry at the paps.

I pick her up again and this time it's princess style as she leans into me. I put her in the passenger seat of my car which I asked one of my friends to drive to the airport for me. The car's blue and a Ford focus, a family car.

I lying the seat back and put a dark green blanket over her since she landed on the snow and she must be cold.

As I put our suitcases in the back, the paps seem to fade away, realising that she's hurt and actually paying some respect to her.

I climb into the drivers seat and start the car, driving down the country roads steadily as not to skid the tyres. I look over to taylor for a moment and she's asleep again. I smile while concentrating on the road again.

Eventually, we pull up at a small cottage on the top of a hill in the countryside. My family home. A small lake is sitting next to it, q willow tree drooping next to the right side of the cottage. The city can be beautiful but nothing beats this. Taylor stirs, waking and smiling at the sight.

"It's beautiful." She says and I smile.

"Me or the house?" I joke.





wildest dreams | taylor X Girl OC.Where stories live. Discover now