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"So... Taylor. Let's start at the beginning. What happened the pervious night." Steve asks and tahlor giggles slightly.

"You want the details?" She says before Steve laughs, writing down on his laptop.

"It was all consensual, right?" He asks, searching for triggers.

Me and Taylor nod simultaneously and he continues.

"So, walk me through the morning." He tells Taylor and her smile slowly fades.

"Well, until eight ish there was a storm so we cuddled on the couch watching great British bake off. Eventually, Willow gets up to make us some coffee." Taylor says while fidgeting with her hands.

"Ooo how do you have your coffee?" Steve tries to make Taylor more comfortable.

"Black with extra sugars." She smiles sorrowly.

"Then what..?" He asks while typing on his computer.

"Willow realised that we were out of coffee so we both agreed that she could go grocery shopping. Then... it sort of spiraled. I watched one person's opinion and then another until all I was thinking about was how hated I am, for something I can't change. So yeah, I wanted to rid people of their hatred and the only way to change the unchangeable is to erase the issue that caused it." As taylor finishes, I can't help but hold back tears, the blonde long past that point.

She starts to speak again.

"As soon as I did it, I wanted to undo it but I couldn't. There was absaloutely fuck all I could do about it. And it it hurt so fucking much to think that when Willow got home... I might not be here." As she finishes, I wipe my eyes dry before giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Look, taylor. I'm going to be completely honest with you, I can't make the decision of you going to a psych ward or bot. You're a fully grown, responsible, adult and I trust you to make the right decision." He says while standing up and leaving.

"I really don't want go to a psych ward." Taylor tells me, welling up with tears as I delicately cup her face with my hands.

"You have to be truthful right now. If you went home, would you do anything g like that again?" I say while wiping away her tears, watching as her bottom lip trembles.

"And is that the real truth that you truly believe..?" I push her mentally and she nods.

"Then let's get you the fuck out of here." I smile at her and she nods.

After a few minutes of taylor and me holding hands, waiting silently for the mental health worker to come back.

Finally, he re-enters the room, smiling.

"Have you made your choice..?" He says while looking at taylor and she nods.

"I want to go home. I'm going home."

"Okay. Due to your injuries being mostly healed, you should be able to leave tonight if I have a talk with the doctors." He says while smiling and leaving again.

I give taylors hand a reassuring squeeze.

I look at her with a sympathetic smile and her bottom lip starts to quiver.

"Heyy, its okay." I say while holding her tightly in my arms. "It's okay my love. I'm here. I'm here." My words attempt to comfort my broken partner as she buries her face in my shoulder, holding me tightly.

"I messed up, Willow. I really did." She cries making my heart break for taylor.

"No. Listen to me. Noones mad at you. You're perfect my love." I say in a hushed whisper, wiping away her tears as she smiles over the tears.

"Willow.." Taylor takes a meaningful pause while pulling away. "I need to do something. To distract my mind."

"Well there has to be something to do in the community area. They might have some games there?" I suggest to her and she nods. "Then let's go."

Short chapter but I wanted to upload something.

wildest dreams | taylor X Girl OC.Where stories live. Discover now