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Taylor takes a moment of shock to herself before the small cogs inside of the paparazzis heads click together.


and with that, I open the door for taylor, her immediately getting g in the car passenger seat.

In a matter of seconds, I ask the security guard if he needs a ride home, and he shakes his head kindly before I join taylor, in the drivers seat instead.

Taylors breathing is heavy and panicked so slowly, making sure she's okay with it, I place my hand on her leg comfortingly.
She places hers over the top of mine, her disordered breathing slowly but surely calming down.

Quickly, I make sure not to startle taylor but still notice that a black tinted car is following me. Then another and another until around four cars are chasing us.

It takes over thirty minutes of au.ledsly driving around to lose them, and once I do, taylor exhales sharply.

"Can we pull over in a sec?" Tay asks me, and I nod before indicating to park in a parking lot.

"What is it, my love?" I ask, looking in her ocean blues.

"I'm sorry, this is so stupid, we should just go-," Taylor attempts to shit the convosation down but I just frown.

"I know you want to say it." I take my hand in hers while giving it a reassuring squeeze making her sigh and look away from me.

"I can go back there." She confesses.

"Where?" I ask concerned as to what's wrong.

"Home. I just, can't go back there. Knowing what's happened I just can't brings myself to." As she says this I can hear her her words shaking on the way out, tears approaching her eyes.

"Hey. Look at me. We don't have to go anywhere you aren't prepared to go to. Tell me where you need to go and I'll take you. This isn't too much and you aren't either." Finishing, she sighs.

"What about your hockey?" She asks and i shake my head with a smile, immediately translating to dont worry about it. "The only place I'm at peace is the country but I can't go back to the farm since it was sold years ago so I suppose the only place is yours in Scotland." She crosses her arms while speaking, clearly thinking she's a burden.

"Then let's book a flight to Scotland." A warm smile creeps upon my lips as I plant a loving kiss over the side gers forehead.

In minutes, tay manages to find a flight that leaves in a couple hours. We end up booking it before heading back to the house, agreeing that I will go in and pack taylors things while she waits in the car.

Taylors parents have been taking care of the cats since I've been at the hospital most days. They didn't end up visiting taylor earlier since she left by the time that they'd have arrived.

When i nock on the door a very tired looking Andrea answered the door, her face I'm.ediately lighting up once she sees me.

"Oh, honey, is taylor okay?" She says while taking me in her arms.

"Tay is fine just a bit shook up so she won't be coming in the house.

"Can I?" Andrea hints to sitting in the car with taylor and I nod happily.

"Of course!" And with those words, her and Scott come out of the house, replaced by me.

Immediately meredith gets up from her spot on the sofa and follows after me making me smile.

"Hi." I coo at the small and fluffy animal before scooping her up. She let's out a soft meow before I stroke her resulting a soft purr.

eventually, I head into the living room where taylors cat backpacks are and putting her in a blue one.

She let's out a sad meow so I sprinkle in some treats before doing the same with the two other cats, carrying them all outside where I pass the carriers over to taylor who gladly takes them, pouting her bottom lip at their cuteness.

It takes a while for me to pack all that we need and comforting things but I end up finishing at about midnight, squishing the bags into the boot of the car and in the backseat, taylor smiling once seeing it all packed.

As we say goodbye to taylors parents, an idea pops into my head. There's a small cottage just down the road from my house and it was owned by an elderly couple until they passed it on to me.

"Yknow there's a small cottage that's for free and in good condition down at Scotland. You're always free to pop down at any point if you wish." I offer and a smile crosses Andrea's face.

"We'll be down in a week." I smile at her answer before giving her a comfortably silent hug before pulling apart.

"See you next week, mom!" Taylor calls and I smile at their relationship that I never had.

They eventually walk back inside the house and I look at taylor. "You ready?" I ask and she smiles softly at me.

"Yeah." She reassures me while I start to drive off.

A/N: short but be grateful bc I've been lacking motivation.

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