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"Dad." I murmur under gritted teeth.

"Don't be like that. I just wanted to visit you." Yeah, sure. Ad if. He's here for money, for drug, alcohol and god knows what else.

The last I time I saw him was after a beating when I ran away. And I thought I wouldn't have to deal with him ever again until now. But here he is, and here I stand. Still the scared little girl who didn't know


"Do you have any money?" He asks while walking in and stepping in Olivias food bowl.

"Ive got nothing for you now get out of this fucking house." I order, not moving back or flinching like he wants me to and standing my ground.

"DONT YOU DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN." He then raises his hand as if he's going to hit me but I just knee him in the balls, his hands just brushing my legs, sending a flood of pain up him as he falls to the floor.

"Now get out of her fucking house." I hear taylor say from the far end of the room.

"Oh, so now that you've got a little faggot girlfriend you think that you're special?" He rises from the floor, pushing me back slightly making me scared. I know that I shouldn't let him see the fear, that way he knows that he's getting to me but I can't help it as I flinch. "You're just a useless little queen thats good for nothing!" He shouts at me making me put my as up as a flinch. "Oh no. Is the little girl scared. Oh, what a pity." He purs his blistered and cold fingers around my neck, squeezing a little tighter every second as I see taylor walk over to the pots and pans, grabbing a pan.

Just as I'm not able to breathe at all, taylor hits him with the pan on the head, just hard enough to nock him out.

I slump to the floor, gasping g for breath as he also falls down. It hurts my neck to breathe and as I do, agonising pain spreads throughout my neck and in my throat.

Taylors pov:

I watch as willows own father talks down at her in such a destructive way, making my eyes well up before I walk out of the room and grab my phone, dialling 999 faster than I thought possible.

"Hello, emergency services how can I help you?" The voice of a friendly sound ding woman asks me.

"Hi, uhm, my..." I pause for a second, unsure of what to say "my partner is currently being attacked by someone, I think it's her father but I'm not sure." I rant really fast, panicked.

"It's okay ma'am can you tell me your location?" She asks and I do so. "How is he attacking them?"

"Well he's tried to hit her and he came in uninvited and he's..." I trail off as I see willow with her fathers hands around her neck.

"Shit." I mutter while throwing the phone down on the couch and walking over to the pans.

I grab a medium sized one and hit it onto his head as she begins to get more tired with her squirming. Then she drops to the floor, gasping and spluttering.

Willows pov:

I stand up as tajlor helps me, grabbing Mr close and nesting her chin on my shoulder in a firm hug of relief.

"I'm so sorry taylor. I'm so sorry." I tell her through croaks in my voice. She wells up as tears stream down my face.

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." She mumbles comfortingly to me to make me feel better when sirens sound outside to see a police car and a woman with tightly slicked back black hair standing there.

She immediately sees the marks on my neck and then the nocked out man, taylor holding me close.

"Who did this to you?" The police woman asks so I point down at what I resent to call my father.

He stirs as the handcuffs get placed on him. "Sir you are officially being arrested on behalf of assault. Anything you say or do can be and will be used against you in court of law." She tells him as he rises and leaves with her tying him into the back of her car.

"THIS ISNT THE LAST TIME WE SEE EACHOTHER!" He calls to me as I stare at him coldly.

"Oh, I think it will be." Taylor tells him while still holding me close.


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