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While on the tube, taylor ends up falling asleep on my shoulder. I leave her be since she must be exhausted and it's been a busy day.

The guy opposite me has been mainstreaming his legs while checking me out making me roll my eyes. F7cking idiot.

Then he starts to eye taylor before putting his phone on the floor. Just when I begin to get confused, I realise that he has the camera on. He's trying to get photos up taylors skirt.

"Fucking bastard!" I yell while standing up and stomping hard on his phone to make sure that he can't recover the photos.

Taylor jolts up, looking at the broken phone before smiling.

"Yeah, that's my girlfriend bitch." Taylor adds while I sit down and slide the phone back over to him with my foot.

I smile and blush immediately at what taylor has to say. Not only did she call me her girlfriend but she used it positively.

I realise that this is our stop. "Tay, we're here." I tell her and she gets up, sleepily while holding my hand and yawning.

"It's just a ten minute walk." I tell her while we get off. Carrying our bags..

It starts to pour it down almost as soon as we get out of the train, drenching us both. Taylor has a coat, though, which is good.

"Here." She says while handing me over hers, making me smile.

"You sure.?" Ai ask, double checking.

"Yes." She replies simly while putting the jacket over my shoulders.


As I open the door, taylor suddenly kisses me on the porch, catching me off guard. The rain drips on us and I smile while pulling away and leading the both of us inside.

"I'm really wet right now." Taylor says and I smile.

"Really, never would've guessed?" I say sarcastically but she just smirks.

"Not there." She says making me smile.

"Oh, really? Well there's just one thing to do then." I reply making her smile as I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom.

I put her down on the bed and start delicately kissing her neck making her moan slightly.

I find her sweet spot as she moans so I nibble on it slightly, sending chill all down her.

"Please." She moans.

"Shoe me where." I tell her, whispering in a hush and sweet tone.

"You know where."- She tells me making me laugh slightly.

I put my hand under the bed and grab a vibrator.

"Can I?" I ask and she moans a faint and pleading yes back, she's almost begging for it.

"Your wish is my command." And with that I slowly plunge the vibratory into her making her arch her back and moan in pure etcasy.

"Slightlyy higher." She tells me and I smirk while lifting iand pressing it down slightly, pressing the button to turn it on.

"Fuck right there." She nods while arching her back and moaning at me as is move it around slightly inside of her, pushing o. Her spot.

"Yes. Fuck yes." Dhe moans out again.

"You like that?" I tease as she nods ferociously. Her lip getting bitten. As I continue to slightly thrust it I to her, I kiss her on the neck, leaving a delight bit of lipstick there.

I begin to feel her tightening around the toy so I take it out, making her moans hault to a stop.

"I want to do that." I tell her making her smile

I go down on her, suck and swirling my tongue on her pussy hntil I feel it all crash down when I pull away and hold her hand.

She's breathing heavily as I kiss her on the lips.

"I love you, taylor." I say before blushing and realising what I've said.

"I love you too." She says while I help her get redressed.

wildest dreams | taylor X Girl OC.Where stories live. Discover now