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Me and Taylor spent the holidays doing absolutely nothing until today. Today is the golden globes and a very busy day for Taylor.

She chose me as a plus one which I'm so incredibly happy about.

She's wearing a simple yet beautiful green dress with the necklace I got her for Christmas and a snake ring, teasing at reputations rerecordinv that's coming our soon.

She's very nervous as we sit in the taxi, waiting to arrive. This'll be her first appearance at a public ceremony broke up with Travis Kelce. And this'll probably be the day that people figure out we are dating and not just friends.

I'm wearing g a simple silver shimmery dresssince I want the lease attention I can possibly get.

Taylor is nervously fidgeting with her rings and u grab her hand, holding it in mine.

"It's gonna be okay, my love." I reassure and she smiles.

"I'm just- these things always make me nervous." She tells me and I nod, understanding why.

"I'll be there with you. Every step of the way." I comfort her and she rests on my shoulder.

As we arrive, we make sure that eachothers makeup is okay, dreading the clicking from camera shutters and the screaming from the paparazzi.

"Do I look okay?" Taylor asks and I take her hand.

"Taylor, you look genuinely beautiful." She does a cute upside down smile before she asks if I can go out first. Of course, I agree and get out of the car. A few flickers and clicks are heard but everyone's saving it for taylor.

There's a red carpet from the car to the entrance of the building and then she has thw whole photo shoot thing and a bunch of I terveiwers until the final awards.

Taylor has gotten nominates a golden globe for the eras tour movie so fingers crossed she wins.

I mouth an 'are you ready' and she nods through the window, smiling so I open her door and out of what feels like nowhere, there's suddenly tens of men and women screaming at taylor various angles and questions.

We both try to ignore it whole looking happy and walking through the entrance. Imm3diately, taylors stylists walk up to her and she embraces them doing her makeup and hair touch ups before she gets guided over to the red carpet."Taylor. You can go on with your plus one or without? Whitch will you pick..?" A guard asks and taylor holds my hand.

"With willow." She says eith a aqueeze of my hand.

"Okay, this way." A man guides while taylors guards start to go behind us, assuring us of how easy it'll be.

But as soon as the doors open, my vision is bo.barded with flashes, hundreds of them, all equally as blinding, all of them also getting followed by a scream at taylor and an unsatisfying click of the shutters.

I squeeze her hand slightly in reassurance. She pulls me slightly closer and I smile at the slight glance she gives me.

It's overwhelming to say the least. She's got a couple hundred people with cameras screaming angles at her and it seems that whatever she does someone wants it another way.

I try to distract myself, looking around at the others on the red carpet, jaw dropped when I spot hailee steinfeld a few metres away.

Taylor walks further up the carpet, me following and this photography goes on for at least a good thirty minutes to an hour until she re-enter the building again.

"Phew." I say while sighing as taylors artists touch up her makeup before we enter the main room.

Taylor, being one of the nominees, got a table relatively near the centre stage and we take our seats, each pouring a glass of wine.

The awards all go fine until it finally gets to what taylor got nominated for.

The presenter holds the envelope in his hand, opening the seal and smiling bitterly once seeing the answer before speaking.

"And the award goes to taylor swift for the eras tour movie!" He says and loads of people applause before taylo looks at me in shock, smiling brightly.

Taylor gives me a quick hug before walking up to the stage.

"Thabk you!" She says excitedly while shaking the presenters hand, taking the award gratefully.

She gets given the microphone and stars to speak, knowing the short amount of time that she's given to do so in.

"I'd like to thank everyone that helped me along this journey, my mom, dad, friends and of course..." shr takes a quick pause in consent, looking at me.

I nod and she continues.

"And of course my amazing girlfriend, Willow." She smiles at me and I blush as the majority of the crowd applause her braveness. "Thank you!" Taylor says while heading back to the table, speechless.

"Holy shit. Did you just win a golden globe and come our all at once?" I ask in disbelief and wonder at what a powerful woman she truly is.

"I think I did." She says in shock.

Taylor places the trophy on the table and hugs me once more before I ruffle her hair. "I love you so much." I tell her making her smile bashfully.


The awards finish and then the after party starts. It's not a dancing kind of party but more of a fancy one with quiet classical in the background.

I lost taylor in the crown around thirty minutes ago until I hear a slight whisper by my side. I immediately recognise it as taylor so I don't turn.

"Meet me outside by the fountain." She whispers, holding my waist slightly before walking off.

It takes me a good few minutes to find the doors to outside and immediately realise that's its empty and cold in the garden.

My footsteps are quiet as I look around for the fountain and just when I see it, taylor walks out from near it and slowly backs me against the wall sending a tingle down my spine from the chill of the brick.

She gazes into my eyes and just when I'm about to speak, she connects our mouths in a passionate and sudden yet deep kiss.

Her tongue slips into my mouth making me moan slightly into her lips.

She them pulls away and starts to attack my neck with soft kisses, roaming until she finds my spot making my breath hitch slightly.

Then someone clearly opens a door which startles us, making taylor and me both back away before breathilh laughing.

"Mabye not right now... here." I tell her and she smiles while leaning on my shoulder.

"I wanna go home." She tells me and I smile at the suggestion.

"I think that's a brilliant idea." I reply as we walk to the car.

wildest dreams | taylor X Girl OC.Where stories live. Discover now