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Khushi and Kashish Gupta. The identical twins of Mr Sashi Gupta. The renowned politician of UP..

They were so identical that even their parents had a hard time in identifying them. Khushi was the naughty one. Kashish was more silent and calm. But at times both played pranks on others.

Khushi was naughty but naive. On the other hand Kashish appeared calm,silent and tactiturm,often the one who was tolerant,but inside she hid another face..

Both sisters were doing great. They were of  age to get married.And Guptas wanted to get them married. But they wanted to get Kashish married first,then Khushi..

Luckily,the marriage proposal of Raizadas came. Raizada family,their elder son Dhruv Singh Raizada was suitable candidate. They had send the proposal through their Kul guru. And Guptas accepted. Everything was good. But one thing was strange.

Dhruv kept looking at Khushi. Even though they were identical twins,but Khushi had short hair. And she was not that sanskari type. She was more simple and playful. Even though her naughtiness had decreased,but anyone could feel it around her. Kashish on the other hand was more traditional. Her long hair,well maintained things,gentle voice. Everything was different..

Khushi got goosebumps. But thankfully things took good turn. Dhruv and Kashish got married. It seemed Dhruv had mistaken her for Kashish and asked for forgiveness..

In all that rituals. Khushi could feel eyes on her. Like someone was watching her. But who. She walked around,carelessly,but actually was searching for the eyes on her..But there was no one. No one was paying her any special attention. Then why was she feeling weird..

Then she saw that man. He was standing in a corner,in simple white cotton kurta and black trousers,in a glamourous wedding,eating ice-cream. He was like an odd one out in the crowd. But he seemed to be a family. Because he saw Anjali,the sister of Dhruv going to him and talking to him. But he just replied monotonously and kept his eyes on his phone..

"Hii..I hope you are enjoying the functions.."said Khushi as she sat down,her lavender lehenga fluttering in wind. She was dressed in light clothes, because it was Sangeet of her sister. And she really liked the simple design of that Lehenga when she had gone to AR botique to buy dress. Her favourite. Even though Kashish had not bought anything much there. She wanted some classy wedding dresses,like traditional,for herself. And she had her favourite designer too. But Khushi had looked around and choose from the collection there.

"This dress suits you..Great choice"said the man,as he looked up and down at Khushi..

Anyone would feel bad for that. But somehow Khushi did not feel any malicious intent in his eyes..

"Right..It is great. I really liked the colours and designs. See,it's lightweight and not suffocating at all.."Khushi continued.

Arnav Singh Raizada listened to her with apt attention. Afterall,poor man was the one who had send his elder brother to Guptas to marry Kashish Gupta,so that he can whisk his lady love away..

Arnav Singh Raizada,the shrewd businessman,owner of AR Designs had seen Miss Khushi Gupta in the botique of AR. She was sitting and looking at the dresses. He was intrigued by her inherent interest in it. And he had sat,watching her,from afar,as she bought few dresses..

The way she talked,the way she laughed freely,even when she was the Daughter of Sashi Gupta. It was very intriguing. He was very much smitten by the cute nose pin of her. And the curls of her hair. And the twinkle of her eyes. It did not take long for him to find out who she was. And then in few days. His elder brother was going to marry her elder sister..

Arnav Singh Raizada was all set to finally meet the beauty with a mole on her cheeks. It was so beautiful. Like even God was mesmerized by this piece and put a dot,so that no bad eye falls on her..

And the good day came. She herself came walking towards the lion waiting for her. Little rabbit was even chattering happily. Arnav gulped. Wish he could just take her away from all and keep looking at her. The way she talked,the way she moved.. Everything..

Khushi was getting comfortable with Arnav. She had no idea he was the youngest child of Raizada family. Actually Arnav had not come till the Mehendi was done. He was busy somewhere else. And then,as Mr and Mrs Gupta already knew Arnav,there was no need to further introduction. And our ASR took full advantage of it. Actually both sides had huge number of relatives. So Khushi also took Arnav as Arnav. Who would ask what your sur name is..

But the wedding day,somehow she was feeling sad. She would miss him,she realised. Just meeting him two times. And she was going to miss him. How?

Arnav stood near Khushi as she was absent minded. Her Peach Saree with little embellishments shone in the bright light. It seemed she has choosen such a colour to not overshadow the bride as they had same face. Arnav smiled. As he too had choosen a white Kurta with pink highlights and a blue flower with beads to add brightness. As they stood near each other,Gupta couple and Raizada couple looked at the next in line,with a happy smile..

Arnav had already told his parents about his feelings for Khushi. All that was remaining was, formally introducing..

Wedding was over. Everyone was leaving.. But someone had her eyes only on the figure in white as he stood quitely in a corner. She wanted to tell him something,but what?

She had no idea herself. Arnav smiled. The eyes of Khushi,he could feel it. She was again and again looking at him. But he stood silent..

She had to come to him..

And she came. Arnav looked at her with a smile as she approached. Just as she was few steps away,her phone rang..

She looked at the unknown number. But he signed her to pick it up..

"Hii.. Miss Gupta..You look divine in this saree.."Khushi heard the man speaking. She smiled..

And Arnav smiled back..

As they left. That night her phone beeped with a good night message..

And Moon looked at the angel who slept under her blanket with a smile. Stars wished her night..

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