Fifty three

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"Words evaporated like water in Summer heat. And feelings came crashing like torrents of heaven's tear. Then she smiled like the first snow and her smile made my heart fly like a petal of spring.."Arnav wrote as he sat,looking at the moon..

He had met the most beautiful person of his life. Khushi..

When they had met first,she was a teenager and he was barely an adult. They had formed this friendship. Where they fought about politics,about how the social system was wrong. He was from a different world than her. Her questions at times were so practical that he could never find answers for her. And at times so childish that he wanted to..

He wanted to do what? To cross the screen and hug her?

She was this outgoing firework that he had met. He had just started going to University. He was more of a silent man. The small IPhone he had bought with his savings at that time helped him. But she could not. She had to pay at least tens of bucks to spend few minutes in internet. And so. She could only leave him messages,once a few weeks. But in a year it changed. She joined classes. Computer. They could talk almost daily. Atleast for an hour.

They talked about anything and everything. But not about feelings. It seemed. She was lonely too. To explore herself more. She seemed like she needed a friend more than a lover. But was it true? What did she need? May be the young age of her made him feel that. That she was immature and was born in a traditional family. Where girls never dated.

She was from a small village near Lukhnow. And he was from Mumbai. City of dreams. The city that moved ahead of time it seemed. But at times he felt tired. Watching the rush. Watching the running crowd in the road. They seemed not be walking but running.

But suddenly it all stopped. She had left a last message. Telling him,she was going to hostel. For her further studies. And she was sorry..

Sorry for what,he had wondered. But had no chance to ask..

Then he too left. For the university abroad. Actually he had to tell her that. He was leaving. But before that it came from her.

Ten years..

Arnav Singh Raizada was going back to Lukhnow..To conduct a fashion show in the palace named Sheesh Mahal. And he had another mission. He wanted to visit her village. He had the address. Her name. She had told him. He wanted to find her. Atleast meet her once.

As he stood,looking at the broken roads, clogged drains and rusted poles,as his car moved,he smiled. Something never change.

He parked his car infornt of the old temple. And walked upstairs. Taking the blessings from the priest,he hesitated but asked. About her.

The priest sighed. And told him to go a few steps ahead. There was a small river flowing. And near it was a school. She was a teacher in that school..

Arnav decided to walk that few steps. He asked the driver to park the car as the temple compound had lot of space and walked towards the river. The riverside was full with plants. Like mango, blueberries,palms and many more.

He walked as he felt the drizzle. Spring was here. Mango trees were full of bloosoms. The earthy fragrance wafted and caressed Arnav as he felt the first rain of the year.

And there she was. Standing in the veranda,calling kids playing outside to run inside. They would catch cold otherwise. Her hair was tied in a bun. The simple white saree,coarse,drapped around her. He could just see her back. But he knew. She was Khushi. The priest had said already. She was the only teacher of that school..

"Khushi?"he called out..

Khushi turned towards him. He was wearing a white shirt and pairs of black trousers. But she could tell the difference.

"Look Mr. I donot want to marry anyone"she said and turned back. So what if he was handsome. So what if there was something in his eyes..

She knew her father. He must have again found this man.

"Khushi.."he called out again,as if getting the feeling of her name in his mouth..

She was getting goosebumps out of it.

This time she turned around..

"Look. I am sorry for snapping at you. But please understand I have someone I love. I donot want to get married to anyone else"she said this time,with something that seemed more like a longing..

"And what is his name? Do you have any idea of who he is? Where he is from?"he asked,this time curious. Did she really fall in love with someone else?

"Yes. Name I cannot say. But his name is like ocean. He is from Mumbai. Please deny the proposal and go back okay"she said..

"Ohh. So his name means ocean?"he asked as he sat on the window sill. It was raining outside..

"Hmm"she said smiling..

"And he is from Mumbai?"he asked..

She nodded and picked up the cat that had sneaked inside. It was drenched. She snuggled to Khushi to seek warmth. It was winter afterall..

"He chatted with you through internet?"he asked..

She nodded..

"May be. His name is Arnav"he smiled and added..

She nodded and continued to pet..

But she stilled soon. He was smiling softly looking at her. The cat jumped down.

"How did you know?"she asked..

"How did I know?"he shrugged..

"But no one knows. Not a single person knows. Then how?"she asked bitting her nails..

"See. There are few possibilities. Either I am God.  Or someone Who knows how to read mind. Or I am Arnav..You choose. Whichever you choose "he said with utmost sincerity..

"But you cannot be God. He is so busy. Why would he have time for me"she mumbled to herself,still lost..

"And you cannot read my mind. You just met me. It needs many things. Like hypnotizm to read right?"she asked to him..

He sadly nodded. Controlling his laughter that was bubbling out .

"Then.."she gulped..

Looking at her he sighed. Sometimes distance was choking. Killing. She was breaking down.

He pulled her down to sit. As she cried. They sat. He held her close,letting her cry it out.

And Sun and moon finally smiled..

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