Chapter 2

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Tw:Panic attack.

Shubman's POV


"That's one fine piece of ass",I murmured under my breath,too low to hear.He has his back to me,facing the huge window,overlooking Washington DC.

He has a small built,soft feathery hair.Curves in the right places. A perfect twink I see,I smirked at my stupid inner thought.

He was on his phone,okay rude much.No,let me rephrase it,
"He was on his phone,when a fine specimen of a man(me)was standing in the same room??so fucking rude".

"It should be done by tomorrow noon,or else,consider yourself jobless",he said,without missing a beat."Oh,that was hot",I thought in my mind.

"Mr.Gill",the sweet voice broke my train of thoughts.

I fixed my eyes on his face and "goddamn!"
This boy is making me say this particular word quite a few times because seriously,Wow.

Big doe-eyes,cute button nose,the subtle on his face is actually very subtle,hahaa,and his lips,ohh god,so pink,so juicy,I could kiss and suck them all day and infact I want to ben-....

"You're here to waste my time",he said as a matter of fact.

"I didn't take time off my busy schedule for you to stand and stare at me like a creep",he snapped at me.

Okay,that was harsh.Yes,maybe I stared at him for a bit too long,but I wasn't being creepy.I mean who wouldn't stare at this fine piece of a-...

"Shhh..bad thoughts.Calm the fuck down,Shubman",the logical part of my brain said,ceasing all the dirty thoughts I was having in my mind.

"Sit down so we can start,Mr.Gill",he said,taking his seat and beckoning me towards the visitor's chair.

I sat down.
"So,we already had our meeting last month and my board of members think......."

We have been talking about the deal for the last 20 minutes and currently he's going through the file my team and I prepared,mentioning anything and everything,and why Kishan tech should,I say,"must" invest in our company.

But seriously though,I couldn't concentrate majority of the time,because those sinful lips of his were taking my mind off the business,and now I have a raging boner. I have been trying to adjust my pants for the last 5 to 7 minutes and it's NOT going down.

"You were 15 minutes late to our meeting.Any specific reason?",he asked,without lifting his head from the papers he was reading.

"Traffic",that's the most logical excuse than saying I couldn't find the most important file.

"You're not really professional,are you?"

"Excuse me,but,when I entered the room,you were on the phone,without acknowledging me.So,I think you're the unprofessional one in this room",I retorted back.

"Well,looking at the way you have been adjusting your pants,we can clearly see who's more unprofessional",he said,finally lifting his head.

This bustard. The fucking audacity he has.

"",I gritted through my teeth,my eyes fixed on his,my jaw tight with tension.He doesn't get to talk to me like that,never.

His mocking eyes quickly turned into eyes full of fear,and my whole demeanor changed.There was a shift of energy in the room.He started bouncing his legs up and down,sweat broke out of his forehead.What's going on?

"Are you alright?",I asked,now getting extremely worried about his condition.He was badly shaking.What the hell?

I ran to the door,quickly opened it,and called for his bodyguards who were standing outside his door,chatting with Shawn.

"I think he is sick,we need to get him to a doctor",I said,my voice full of urgency.

"Sir,let me see",a tall man,his head bodyguard I assume,told me and went inside to check up on him.

"Mr.Ishan",the bodyguard called out.
"Ta-ta...take..ho-home",he said in between sobs,he couldn't even form coherent words.He was having a panic attack.Fuck!
I instantly panicked.

"Us-use..useless...right-useless they...ri-right",he was sometimes whispering and sometimes shouting some incoherent words like these.

What's going on?the thought was constantly resonating in my mind.

"HOW CAN I HELP???HOW??",I suddenly shouted,I was extremely worried about him now.One minute he was fine,next minute he was having a full blown panic attack.

"Sir,it's fine.We are going to take him home and the meeting will be rescheduled,if you have no problem",his bodyguard said calmly.
Well,I don't care about the damn meeting right now.

"Don't....DON'T TO-TOU...TOUCH",he was trying to shout when his bodyguard went to touch him.He couldn't make out proper sentences.

"Call Mr.Kishan,now",the bodyguard ordered his subordinates.

After probably 15 minutes,his dad, Mr. Kishan was in the room,trying to calm Ishan down.He was not letting anyone touch him,but atleast he allowed Mr.Kisha to sit beside him.His dad just kept whispering sweet nothings and instructed him softly to keep taking deep breaths.

After another 20 minutes,he finally calmed down.All the sobbing and shouting drained his body,and soon,he drifted off to sleep.

"I should take him home",Mr. Kishan said.

"I'm sorry for today.I will reschedule the meeting as soon as possible",Mr.Kishan said,looking at me.I just shook my head.

"No,it's fine,Mr.Kishan.You should look after him first.We just had a small meeting today".

Mr.Kishan noded his head upon hearing. "Thank you"

"Sir,please step back a bit",my bodyguard,Shawn,said softly.I didn't even realise I was on the way.I scooted away from the door,and his dad picked him up slowly and went out,his other bodyguards beside them,escorting them to the car.

After they hit the carb and disappeared from the view,I turned to Shawn.He had the exact bewildered expression in his face.Because seriously guys,what the fuck?

"I think we should get going too",Shawn said and I noded.We got in the car and drove away towards my office.Today's incident not leaving my head.

What caused this?
What triggered him?
Was it me?

So many questions were running through my mind and I would be lying if I say I don't want answers.


My 3 am thoughts be like:

Guys,I'm sorry for such a badha chapter

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Guys,I'm sorry for such a badha chapter.

Aage wale or badhe honge.
Deal with it.🗿

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