Chapter 24

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Shubman's POV

"Thank fucking God,you're here. This bitch was making my ears bleed with her screams!",a very annoyed Luke greeted me.

There were five people in the room.

Shawn,my trusted bodyguard.
And of course,Luke.

But there was only one who's presence was unpleasant,the unwanted scum.Filling the whole torture room of Style's with her unnecessary screams and baseless threats.

"Damn bitch shut the fuck up!"

Random questions like "who are you?", "why am I here?" were thrown at us with fearful,trembling voice,and scared,tear filled eyes.And I liked that.Seeing the person who ruined my Ishan's childhood,tied up with ropes around her wrists,to the chair,angry red hand print on her cheek,begging for mercy.

"It wasn't hard to track her down.She is all yours now,Gill",Styles opened his mouth for the first time since I got here. I noded my head in appreciation.

"Katherine",I broke my silence,taking a sit in the opposite chair infront of her.


"For a miserable person,you sure shout a lot,Katherine",I spat,her name tasting like venom in my tongue.I heard someone snicker in the background,and knew it was coming from Luke.

"Did your body tremble the same way when you used to whip him?"

Confusion crossed her eyes,still processing my words.After a few moments fear filled her eyes,upon the realisation.

"Did your brain recall it?",my eyes were trained at her scared ones.The fingers of my hands were joined together,nails digging at the skin,trying to control myself and not rip her into shreds.

"Were you also at loss of words when you were screaming at him for spilling milk?"



I was instantly at her face,choking her effectively. "Tell me,did you fear your life when you were taking away his childhood?"

I let her go when her face was starting to lose colour,because of oxygen being cut out. The bitch is not going to die an easy death.

"Shawn",upon hearing his name,he came forward and handed me the swiss knife,and went back to his previous place,standing by the door with Styles and Luke.

"Bitch just spit everything out already,I have other important things to do",Luke said,his eyes sparkling at Shawn, which my bodyguard chose to ignore.

"He wa-as...he was difficult. Always spi-spilling things,making messes while eating,messing up the wall and wh-what not. Ishan was such a whiny..and..and diffic-"

Before she could finish the sentence,I punched her,and I cracking noise was heard in the thin air. Blood started dripping from her broken nose,dribbling down her chapped lips and teeth.

"Don't fucking dare to utter another nasty word about him",I snarled at her face,tightly gripping the screaming bitch's jaw,my nails digging at her skin and effectively breaking it.

"Don't.Say.His.Name",I slowly drawled out,my grip on her jaw tightening. The bitch started trashing around and I spat on her face,which caused her to cringe,and let out a loud shout.

"Start from the beginning",I said,resting the knife at the pulse point of her neck.


"You're making it painful yourself",I chipped in,having her hair in a tight grip and exposing her throat.

Metanoia (Shubman gill×Ishan kishan)Where stories live. Discover now