Chapter 1 (Voldemorts fall)

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3rd person POV
Potters house

The air crackled with magical energy as the two wizards faced each other in the living room of the house of James and Lilly Potter. Right next to the couch standing a badly hurt James Potter trying to save his family from no other than the infamous Lord Vordemort. Sparks were flying as spells left both of the wizards lips.

James stood tall, his hazel eyes reflecting determination. In his hand, he clutched his wand with a firm grip trying to get over the pain from the gained wound to save his family. He could already feel the diziness because of bloodloss from a wound the Dark wizard caused by one of his first spells.

Without a word, the two adversaries launched spells at each other, the colorful streaks of light coliding mid-air. James drew upon every ounce of his magical power but the bloodloss was just too much of an inconvenience and Voldemort seized the oportunity to unleash a deadly curse.
For a moment that felt like eternity James saw his whole life flash before his eyes and he realized how important his mision of stalling the Dark wizard was. Fueled by his love and desire to protect his family he narrowly avoided the dark magic that sought to claim his life and sent a counter spell at the momentarily surprised Voldemort.

In this moment all that could be heard from upstair were shouts and in a moment two figures emerged down the stairs one holding a baby and an ugly looking small man who called himself their friend not too long ago. It was none other than Peter Petigrew with his wand ready pointing at the one and only Lilly Potter with a small Harry in her trembling arms. And Voldemort started his speech keeping James in place with a spell.
V: Finally we can talk, now where is my child!! I know you helped hide them from me so tell me and i will think about letting you live.
Lilly: you really think we woul believe anything you say. You will never find her or your child.
V: Fine i tried to be nice but i have other ways to get the answer im looking for.
With that Voldemort instructed Petigrew to hold James and moved his wand so it is facing Lilly Potter. Lilly knew what would come next but she wasnt scared she just accepted it. They knew it would come to this sooner or later. As seconds went by Voldemorts face became more and more scrunched in disgust. Lilly Potter had many secrets but the wherebouts of her friend werent there.
V: how! Where is she i know you helped her hide!
Lilly: That information is long forgotten and only one wizzard knows the answer and he is not in this room. D*ckhead

That was it Voldemort knew he wouldnt get the answers he came for in the first place so he redied his wand to deliver the killing blow. In that moment James could move his body again due to Peter beeing distracted by Lilly who elbowed him in the face. James started running to his wife and child succesfully disarming and pushing Peter into the livingroom wall. He knew he couldn't avoid this death spell and it would hit one of them and also knew that he lost too much blood and it was too late to help him.

In the time Lilly tried to stop Voldemort but was unsuccesfull and was ready to protect Harry with her own life. Right when the spell left Voldemorts lips James stood in front of his family and fell to the ground. Lilly also started falling to the ground but a white light enveloped her and she was gone in an instant telleported to a safe place and that was no other than Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Voldemort was so weak he had to retreat and go into hiding. And the soul of James Potter could peacefully leave with the thought of his son and wife safe from the dark wizard as his body layed on the ground dying due to bloodloss and the death spell.

Meanwhile at hogwarts

M: ,,What is wrong with her Albus?" Asked worriedly Minerva McGonagall holding Harry while Albus Dumbledore inspected the unmoving Lilly Potter on the ground.
D: ,,It's a sleeping curse but i have never seen anything like this and none of tha basic counterspells are working." He looked back at the shocked profesor behind him with sorrow and sadness in his eyes. D: ,,i was too late i don't know how to wake her up."

The profesor holding Harry could tell the headmaster was blaming himself for not protecting his former students and the worry in his face was folowed by whispering his thoughts out loud and speculating if the death spell that hit James could have caused this state.

Minerva looked at the baby in her arms and then turned bact to the headmaster who was trying to find a counterspell to the sleeping curse.
M: ,, What are we going to do with the boy?"
Dumbledore stood up and left the readhead with the school doctor.
D: he has to live with his family." Minerva stood shocked.
M: ,,You can't mean those horrible people!? Albus i know them it would be better for Harry to stay here or even in an orphanage.!"
D: ,,No Minerva it is better for Harry to stay with his aunt and uncle."

Oh how he was wrong.
Minerva knew Harry was in for a ride with the Dursleys but she couldn't question the headmaster and if she knew how difficult his life would be she would.

AN: so yeah hope you liked the first chapter of the story.
Also im sorry if there are some grammar mistakes english is not my first language so im trying to correct as much as i find but i could miss some so sorry.
i hope everything was clear and you could understand it if not write a comment and i will try to explain as best as i can.

Can you tell this is my first time writing a story? 😅

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