Chapter 13 (drama and the first task)

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As Will and Isabella reached the doors and entered the great hall many girls swarmed Isabella flirting with her and getting into her personal space.
Harmione: get the hell away from my girlfriend.
Isabella: you heard her everyone take a step back and someone tell me whats going on.
Good morning love, i would like to know as well so anyone willing to spill.
Girl: Pansy was with Victor and said that Isabella has a cock. And we want to know if its true.
Isabella: VICTOR!!!!
Isabella left to give her brother a piece of her mind and Hermione was left inside a circle made from the girls looking at her like she is their prey and wanting the answer to their question.
Isabella: if you want you can tell them love, im going to find you when im done with Victor. Get back here you traitor!
Isabella started running after Victor all around the hall Victor scared shitless throwing apollogies and excusess at his sister who was fastly catching up and after a while she tackled him on the ground holding him in place as she asked him how something like that could be brought up in his conversation learning that Pansy asked him about Isabella and as she was seducing him he accidentally let it slip and that he was really sorry and tried to save it but only made it worse.
Meanwhile Hermione was still trapped in the circle of girls waiting on the answer to their question.
Girl 1: sooo, is it true?
Hermione: ok fine yes its true fuck, can i go now?
Girl 2: ohhh nice how big is it?
All of the eyes moved to the girl as she asked this question
Girl 2: what? Every one of you thought about this question but were too scared to ask sooo?
All of the eyes setled onto Hermione again making the witch gulp nervously.
Hermione: Isa, honey any time to save me would be great, please?!
Isabella let go of Victor telling him that they would talk about this later and went to go save her girlfriend from the girls surrounding her but ended up trapped in the circle also. In the end she had to answer some of their questions but she asked Hermione in every one of them if she was ok with her answering as they were quiet personal and than they were saved by the McGonnagall sisters right when it started to become really personal.

Isabellas POV
The time of the first task came and even though Hermione offered to help me to prepare i thought about it and decidet that Harry would need her help more than me and he must be a nervous wreck right now so he needs his best friends and even though i would love to be with Hermione i noticed that i started to push her away from me and towards Harry and figured out that its because my father always told me how no one will ever love a freak like me along with the fact that im a burden to everyone and the people i love will end up hurt because of me and my powers that im not completely in control of. I found this out when my father called thretening me and i would look past that but than he did the same towards my friends and family and i just snapped and burned everything around me accidentaly as my magic took over. Thankfully no one got hurt and Victor put the flames out before the fire could spred.

Right now im preparing in the tent for the first task and notice that Hermione is hugging a scared Harry and Rita Skeeter took a picture of them telling them how they will make the first page if nothing goes bad in the tounament. I tell her to get out as im still angry because she wrote lies about me and than even revealed my secret which by the way i would really like to know how she got but i have my suspision after my father called. I noticed that Harry and Hermione are looking at me so i turn around quickly before they can catch me as Hermione is already trying to get to me after avoiding her all week but get cut of by Dumbledore as he strolles into the tent with Ludo. It hurts to be apart from her but i tell myself that my father is right and i dont want to hurt her as i put on an emotionless look and go pick a dragon from the bag.
Chinese fireball is the only thing going through my head as i look at the miniature version of the dragon that im about to meet in its whole glory. Im the last one to go and face my dragon as the cup choose me as the last champion.
I get into the arena and come face to face with the huge red dragon who is staring at me like im his next meal.

I'm not in this competition to hurt anybody so i decidet to do a cloning spell on myself to distract the dragon before i get to the egg

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I'm not in this competition to hurt anybody so i decidet to do a cloning spell on myself to distract the dragon before i get to the egg.
I duplicate myself twice and sent each clone to go distract the dragon from each side and i hide behind the rock waiting for an oportunity to run for the egg when the dragon isnt looking my way while still focusing on my spell to not screw it up and keeping the clones moving.

When i decide that the dragon is distracted i sprint and get to the egg grasping it in my hands running towards the entrance of the arena to complete the task given. When i get to the entrance i get in and put the egg on the ground wanishing my clones but then turn around when the cheering turns into gasps and screams.
As i scan the arena for anything that could make the crowd behave like this i notice the dragon is walking towards someone covering against the wall a few feet from where im standing about to atteck that child so my body moves on its own as i make my way towards the scared first year who seems to be frozen in fright.

3rd person POV
Isabella was getting closer and the dragon was seconds away from cooking the poor kid so there was no time for thinking and she jumped in front of the first year right when the dragon released huge flames from his mouth shocking everyone as the professors didnt do anything even though some looked like they couldnt do anything and the students from higher years knew why the teachers didnt interfere and that is because dragons are very unpredictable and the spells could bounce back towards the students. And something seemed to be holding them back some invisible force not letting them grasp their wands.

The shouts were defening and the silence that followed even more so as no one knew if the two students in the arena were alive. When the fire enveloped Isabella and the boy it surprised her as it didnt really hurt and the flames went around them while some sort of purple barrier surrounded them coming from within Isabella.
The dragon lost his breath and the proffesors could finally grasp their wands and took action puting the dragon to sleep as the McGonnagall sisters rushed to check if the students survived.
Cheers could be heard as both were fine and the boy refused to let go off Isabellas waist even though the professors assured him that it was safe and Isabella had to get him out of the arena in her arms. On the way to the champion tent she found out that the first years name was Collin and he fell into the arena because he sat right next to the damaged bleachers from Harrys dragon fight and as students were pushing against each other someone accidentally pushed him as he wasnt paying attention trying to get a good shot of the dragon which than ended by this situation.

Isabella found out that Collin was a really great kid and a really great fotograph too as he showed her some of his pictures while they waited for madam Pomfrey to finish her examination and the professors to get to the tent after conversing with the headmasters about the tournament. Seraphina along with Minerva than came into the tent to give them the good news about Isabella winning the first task as she was the fastest to get the egg and showed her courage when saving Collin.
The girl was excused as she was exhausted and the day was almost over. Every student already gone when Isabella decidet to go to her room and get some sleep but fate had other plans as she was met with a furious and worried Hermione right outside the tent shivering a little from the chilly night air. Isabella tried to get around Hermione with no success as the bushy haired girl grabbed her hand and with the most strict voice Isabella ever heard said the words making Isabella realise that she had no way of escaping this conversation and she would have to come clean if she wanted to talk to the brunett ever again.

Hermione: We need to talk, Now!

hi so i hope you like this chapter and sorry if there are any mistakes.
Hope you are having a grat day or night.

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