Chapter 6 (Meeting)

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3rd person POV

The headmasters left to their students and Igor Karkaroff grabbed Isabella with him. As they made their way towards the ship Karkaroff kept a strong grip on Isabella reminding Isabella of her step dad as she shifted uncomfortably under the weight of his actions.

Karkaroff: You can't follow a simple order can you?!!
Isabella: I'm sorry, that i had gone against your orders but she needed help.
Karkaroff: Don't blame it on that girl someone else could have helped her and she should have been more carefull. She shouldn't have came to the pier if she is clumsy.
Isabella: Hey that's not ....
Karkaroff: Shut it!!!

Isabella flinched at the raised voice and let him drag her back to the ship where he found another surprise in the shape of his son's frozen body in place as no one could break Isabellas spell.
Karkaroff: What is the meaning of this! Who did this!
One of the 5th year Durmstrang students explained what happened and how Bruce out of nowhere couldn't move but no one casted a spell. As no one other than a few chosen knew about Isabellas powers nobody actually knew what happened. And no one who knew would tell on her, well not everyone who knew.
Karkaroff:     ISABELLA!!! Unbind my son right now or i swear to god you will face hell on earth.

Isabella: "As if it didn't happen already."
Of course she didn't say it out loud but she thought this and with a flick of her wrist unbound Bruce who fell to the floor in an istant and started cursing. She would have left him bound for more time but she knew the headmaster would tell her parents and she didn't want to upset her mother. She doesn't give a f*ck about what her father thinks as all he ever did for her was being rude and cruel to her.
She kinda enjoyed the fact that she put Bruce in his place but knew that she was in for a ride if she did something like this again as Karkaroff is very protective of his son even though he doesnt make it known but at keast his actions show that he cares.

The rest of the day before dinner she was forced to spend in her room which Karkaroff ordered. As she didn't want to make the headmaster more mad than he was, she decided to spend the time bonding with her brother who came to spend time with his little sister as well as congratulate her on putting up a fight or better putting Bruce on his ass when she was doing the right thing.
He was furious when their father called screaming as he found out bits and pieces from Karkaroff as they were childhood friends and called as soon as he had the chance. Luckily Victor was there when he called and put him in his place as well as stating that there has to be a family meeting when they get home when he heard the horrible things he said to Isabella. After the call they had a meaningfull conversation about how great Isabella is and how selfless and nice and caring she is. And Victor made her cry again when he said he was proud of her standing up to Bruce and helping the girl who he also teased her about.

Hermiones POV
Me Harry and Ron as well as every other student from Hogwarts came out to the courtyard to welcome the Beauxbatons school as they should arrive at any moment. I was talking to my two best-friends when the crowd gasped and people started pointing at the carrieges led by Abraxans landing before us gracefully.

 I was talking to my two best-friends when the crowd gasped and people started pointing at the carrieges led by Abraxans landing before us gracefully

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Ron: Wow that is one huge horse.
Harry: What is that?
I dont know if i should be worried about Harrys education as i know there is no helping Ronald. he doesnt know much but at least something as he grew up in the wizarding world, but Harry i can't blame Harry for not knowing about most magical creatures as he is new to this world. Wait i can. He is not new anymore he just turned into another Ronald.

Hermione: You both should start doing your homeworks and not rely on me so much. We learned about these beauties last year if you would pay atention in class you would know.
They are called Abraxans and to make it simple for you: they are a breed of winged horses and they are extremely powerfull, oh and their hair is used in many potions.

As i finished talking about the horses the doors of one of the carrieges opened and out came the headmistress of Beauxbatons miss Maximoff and two students wearing blue robes and hats.
Everyone gawked at them as they were really beautiful but i liked that they had a really kind smile and you could feel that they were truthfull and were kind people.
Dumbledore welcomed the headmistress and gave a task to McGonnagall our head of house i actually heard her sister was coming with Durmstrang as she teaches there. Im happy for her because she always takes care of us and a distraction will be good for her health.

Some students attacked the two Beaxbatons students with questions and the professor had to save them and escort to the carriege so they would safely enter.
Amd most of the students carried on and went to the lake and the pier to welcome the Durmstrang students. And we did the same but i had to drag Ron and Harry from the carrieges as they still stared at the doors where the Beauxbatons students were hiding.
Harry and Ron: Hermione please let go of our ears we are going now. Let gooooo. Sorry for not listening to you.
Hermione: Do you swear to not go back there and terrorize those poor students? They were trying to be nice and kind and you swarmed them like bees on honey.
Harry and Ron: yea we swear please let go, we are sorry.
I decided that they sounded truthfully sorry and let them go as they followed behind rubbing their ears and talking abou the beautiful student they were captividet with. Not long after we came to the pier more and more students kept coming as the ship started to break the waters surface andthe beautifull ship could be seen in all her glory in a few seconds.

 Not long after we came to the pier more and more students kept coming as the ship started to break the waters surface andthe beautifull ship could be seen in all her glory in a few seconds

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All of the students around me awed at the beauty as the ship aproached the pier and every one held their breath as the ship stood in the pier unmoving. As i noticed a movement on the ship the only person leaving the ship and being seen was the headmaster Igor Karkaroff and a woman who i could only guess was professor McGonnagalls sister as they sqealed when embracing each other.

The teachers left to acompany Karkaroff to Dumbledores office and after they were out of sight the Durmstrang studdents bagan to get on the board and waving and greeting us from afar. There was one student who took my breath away when i saw her she was beautifull and she looked so mature and brave standing leaning against the door of the captains cabin.
I was captivated and so i didn't notice the crowd was moving and untill i know what was happening i was loosing balance and falling into the water and then as i hit the waters surface all i saw was black.

I dont know what was happening when i was out but i started to get to my senses sometime in the middle of the yourney i guess to the hospital wing but the only thing i heard was Cedrick introducing himself and then the words "nice to meet you I'm...." And i drifted into darknes once again.
The second time that i partially woke up was when i was laid down on a soft surface which i could guess is the hospital wing bed as i can smell desinfection.
As i was beeing laid down i could feel that the hands carrying me were soft and rough at the same time and so strong. I just wanted to lean forward and burry myself in the warmth of the person who carried me but my body didnt listen and all i could do was listen and feel the gentle touch.
Out of nowhere i felt lips on my forehead and a kiss being placed there as the only thing i could see was white light as warmth envelopped me like i was burried in a warm blanket on a cold christmas morning and then there was just black and i went unconcious once again.

AN: hi i hope you liked this chaper and sorry for any mistakes.
This chapter was mostly Hermiones pov and how it went acording to her and there will probably be more.
Hope you are having a great day or night.

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