Chapter 4 (Announcement)

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Isabellas POV
The year started greatly and we are currently sitting in our DADA classroom (defence against dark arts) which starts in 10 minutes. I am sitting next to Will because the houses play a role only in matches between houses in quiditch and other competitions the school holds like dueling events.
We are normaly talking when someone bumps into me and of course its Bruce one of the guys who asked me out but i rejected them because im not into guys and this one also has a terrible personality and a terrible dad. I had to hold Will down and i was about to let it goeven though he threw another coment to my face which was a quiet ,,freak". Will was getting up so i got up too and put my hand on his chest to stop him.

Bruce: Oh the other freak wants to fight, no wonder your family kicked you out, i mean i dont blame them if i had a child like you i would do the same. One second though there is nothing a good beating cant fix right Isabella.?
Isa: Well if you feel like that.
I turn around and punch him straight in the face. It shocked him so much he ended up on the ground with his hands over his face holding a bleeding nose.
Bruce: you b*tch you know who my father is
Isa: oh trust me i know and i dont care if you just think about insulting my friends again you will end up with much worse next time.
Karkaroff: That is enough Krum, son quit whining and get up everybody knows who i am. I can't believe a girl sent you on the ground with one punch we will talk about this later.

We all go sit and the lesson starts and i make sure Will is alright because i know how much it affects him when people talk about his parents and what happened. Long story short Will came out to his parents and they kicked him out of their home and said they dont want to see him ever again. Thankfully his aunt is really nice and loves Will like her own so she lets him stay with her and doesnt care about his sexuality.
Will says he is fine and im now smiling because of what he said after:
Will: I hope you broke his nose.

Yes Bruce is the headmasters son, to be fair i think his father is the reason for his bad personality. I hate Karkaroff and he hates me but we tolerate each other because he likes my brother. I mean who wouldnt he is a quidditch star. Which reminds me there is a quiditch match between Atticus and Liberalis houses. So excited for that.
I decide that thinking about it will only put me in a sour mood but my smile soon leavs my face.
Karkaroff: Now that is behind us everyone sit we are going to repeat what we know about the unforgivable curses today.
I freeze and Will looks at me with worry. He knows. And Karkaroff does too hell every teacher knows hell most of the students know too because Bruce told everyone after he learned it from his dad. To be honest the chance that we were supposed to learn about this today is minimal and this is just revenge for his sons nose. The noise the creature makes is making me fell sick and makes me spiral into my memories. The rest of the class im like in a trance holding so hard on the tables edge that at the end Will has to pry my hands from the table where i left a dent and lead me out of the classroom. Thank got that is over.

Our next class is herbology and thank god for that i still look like i have seen a ghost so professor McGonagall  doesn't wait and comes to my aid. And Will explains the previous class. And after that Serafina gives me a side hug and something to drink i think she said something about it easing my mind and helping me focus on the class. It actually helps and i can enyoj my favourite class. Im really glad the to have Serafina here for me because she reminds me of my mum and is my person here when i cant talk to my mum.

Serafina McGonnagall

The rest of the week goes great if i dont count the names some of the guys call me

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The rest of the week goes great if i dont count the names some of the guys call me.
Today is the day of the quiditch match.

The match is going great and it is pretty even but the beaters of Atticus are really horrible and are trying to hit me with the bludger its probably because Bruce is one of them. I am a chaser and Victor says im really good but i like it just as a hobby. All of the things i know i learned from Victor and we mostly bonded over quiditch when we were younger, you could say it was a shared passion but than he became famous and i found my passion which is healing.
I dodge a bludger and my teammate passes me the quaffle and i score. We play for a while and than Victor cought the snitch and the Atticus house won but everyone kinda thought they would beat us with a much greater difference in score so no one is sad or dissapointed.

Yesterday at dinner Karkaroff announced that the some of the students from the 5th year and higher are going to stay at Hogwarts for a while because what i got from the long speech he had than Hogwarts is the host of the Triwizarding tournament. But only about 25 chosen students are going to bond and learn something their way and me and Will are thankfully both going.
The teachers were choosing who is going to go and proffesor McGonnagall had chosen us because we are her most promising students in herbology well at least me and Will who most of the time just draws the herbs and flowers and then i teach him about them.
Karkaroff cant do anything because Serafina is going with us and i think he is a little scared of her and he wants to look good in front of the other headmasters. The headmasters agreed that the chosen from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will come to hogwarts right at the start of the year to make connections, look at how the classes are beeing taught at hogwarts and learn something new.

AN: hey hope you are having a good day or night and thanks for reading. Hope you liked it and im sorry for any mistakes.
We are going to hogwarts yay, basically the schools are going to spend more time in hogwarts and they are not going there just for the Triwizarding tournament. And because of this only those 25 chosen students are coming to hogwarts right now and then more will come to watch the tournament.
Could you imagine the sister of proffesor McGonnagall to look like this? i think it could work, what do you think?

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