Chapeter 9 (unexpected companion)

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Its about to heat up a little 😏

Isabellas POV

I wake up with the sunrise and as i try to get up i hear Hermione whine as she is cuddled into my side and holding onto me for dear life as im her income of warmth.
I chuckle quietly and start stroking her hair as im trying to wake her up as to not startle her.
Isabella: Hermione wake up or you are going to miss the sunrise.
Hermione: five more minutes
Isabella: ok if you want to do it this way.
I stand up holding hermione in my arms one under her knees and one under her back carriing her out of the tree and towards the black lake as she sqeeks and puts her hands around my neck to not fall.

I sit on a stump of a tree
Isabella: look
I tell her as im enjoying the beauty of the sunrise and the beauty on my lap now also staring at the sunrise with an open mouth.

We watch the sunrise in a peacefull quiet and then look at each other i smile at her dishelved hair from just waking up and after a moment of staring Hermione starts leaning more towards me and keeps on glancing from my eyes to my lips

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We watch the sunrise in a peacefull quiet and then look at each other i smile at her dishelved hair from just waking up and after a moment of staring Hermione starts leaning more towards me and keeps on glancing from my eyes to my lips. I start leaning in also just a little gap between us and than a clearing of a throat can be heard.
I hide my head in Hermiones neck with a groan and Hermione chuckles looking behind me to see who interupted us.
Hermione: Hagrid what are you doing here this early in the morning.
Hagrid: ah you know same old same old nothing to see here nothing to see.
Nothing at all just the huge chimera standing behind Hagrid.
Isabella: So that is normal here at hogwards?
I ask Hermione as she chuckles and stands up from my lap going slowly towards Hagrid having a conversation about lying to her and something about the fact he did this before and something i stopped listening to it after i heard the name Silver and stood up to aproach the chimera carefully. Looking at the ground to show respect and made a treat for her appear in my palm to show i ment no harm.
The chimera ate the treat and nudged me in the side trying to get more treats from me.
I laught and made more appear and stroked her soft fur and behind her ears.

The chimera (lion, goat, eagle)

Hermiones POVI got waken up by someone carrying me outside of the tree trunk and the light blinded me for a second as i held for my life by the persons neck

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Hermiones POV
I got waken up by someone carrying me outside of the tree trunk and the light blinded me for a second as i held for my life by the persons neck. "They smell nice, like cinamon"
I opened my eyes and saw Isabella as she sat on something a looked towards the sunrise about which she was talking about before she sat down.
I turned my head and to say it took my breath away was an understatement.

After the sun got higher i changed my position and now i was sitting on Isabellas lap looking into her eyes.
Her green beautiful eyes with a spark of gold swimming between the green. My eyes drifted repeatedly towards her lips and back to her eyes as i started to lean in wanting to know how they would taste.

As our lips were almost touching someone cleared their throat behind us and made us retreat from the position we were in. Isabella groaned and had hidden her head in my neck with a groan. Her breath was so warm it made me shiver but i had to focus and find out who interupted us so i got up and looked at a surprised Hagrid that he actually bumped into someone this soon in the morning.
I asked him what he is doing here but it was practicaly just to know if he would tell the truth abou the huge chimera standing behind him which he didnt.
I scolded him about lying to me again after everything we had gone through together. And he apologised and started telling me about the fact that he has to find a place for this chimera as it is not safe here anymore. And how he found the chimera and named her.

I look towards the place where i left Isabella and panicked a little as i didnt see her anywhere but than we heard soft purring from behind us and it was the cutest thing i ever saw as Isabella was leaning against the sleeping chimera stroking her furr. She looked at me and smiled and i swear something in me shifted at that moment and my feet carried me towards her as i kneeled next to her.
Isabella made sure i was in a comfortable position as she went behind me and guided my hand towards the chimera for me to pet her.
Which i did as my body seemed to believe Isabellas touch and let her guide my hand without any resisting. I tensed up a little at the touch but relaxed after Isabella started whispering encouraging things in my ear.
That was when the chimera woke up and stared at us while Isabella didnt let my hand go and continued to pat her with my hand in her.
Isabella: its alright Silver she's a friend
The chimera began relaxing and soon fell asleep once again purring even more loudly.
Hagrid: well i didnt see that coming Hermione your girl sure knows how to handle this cutie, no disrespect.

I blushed at the words which escaped Hagrids mouth and it made me think.
"Why doesnt it feel weird when i think about her as my girl." I got my answer when she whispered in my ear her breath fanning over my neck making goosebumps appear and made me shiver a little which didnt seem to go unnoticed.
Isabella: what do you think my rose will your girl be able to handle your inner beast with these hands.
Alright we are not talking about the chimera anymore thats for sure and to be honest the answer to that question was answered right when she said it when she let go of my hands and grabbed my waist bringing me closer to her hugging me from behind and leaving open mouth kissses on my neck.
If it was anyone else than i would probably push them away but the things this did to me were so good i didnt want her to stop even when she asked me many times if what she was doing was ok and my answer was a moan and bringing her head closer to my neck with my hands leaning over my head backwards holding her hair when she found my pulse point.
As she figured out the patern she knew where my pulse point is and started sucking on it making me moan out loud and before Hagrid who had to clear his throat again to snap us out of it.
Isabella got up and started walking towards Hagrid leaving my hand on the chimera as she woke up and started licking my face and purring as i scratched her under her chin and behind her ear as she started cuddling into me.

Isabellas POV
I dont know what came over me but i loved every second of it and i think i gave Hermione a hickey. And the best part is that she wanted it to happen and enjoyed it or at least it sounded like she did.
I made my way towards Hagrid and introduced myslef and thanked him but he doesnt know for what. "Mostly for calling me Hermiones girl as what happened would probably not happen if he didnt"
Isabella: also i know where this chimera can stay.
Hagrid: you do?
Isabella: yeah we have a forest near our house that forbids for the magical creatures to be caught or hunted and it is 100% safe because my family spelled the forest so no one with these intentions can enter.
A smile makes its way on Hagrids face as he starts telling me how great of an idea that is and asking me other questions about the new home and if he will be able to visit her there.
I aswered everyone of them and called my mother to tell her about my plan and if she could come get the chimera herself or send someone trusted and not to send dad.
I promised to tell her why when she got here and she told me that she would get here in two days to get the chimera.
Hagrid promised to take care of it before she gets it and told us that he would at least have the time to say goodbye properly.

AN: hi hope you like this chapter and are enjoying the story.
Also hope you are having a great day or night.

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