Chapter 14 (confrontation)

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3rd person POV

Hermione: We need to talk, Now!
Isabella: Hermione i dont think thats a good idea what if i snap.
Hermione: oh cmon Isa we both know you wont hurt me, please lets talk about this.
Isabella: im sorry i cant do this
Hermione: why not whats holding you back from beeing happy, its not your powers so what is it. You can't always run from something you dont understand or are scared of!
Isabella: but what if my father is right!
Hermione: your father?
Hermiones face went from worried to furious as she realized who was responsible for the torture she had to ho through during the last week when she didnt know if she did something wrong or if Isabella just lost interest in her.

Hermione: of course its your father how did i not think about that, and they call me the brightest witch of her age. Im so stupid. Isa you know that your father is trying to ruin your life by making you question your life choices and making you distance yourself from the people that care about you right?
Isabella: but what if he is right, what if im going to end up hurting everyone i care about and no one will ever love me.

⚠️mild smut (dont know if its even considered smut but better be safe than sorry 😅)‼️

Isabella started taking slow steps back as she said this contemplating about running but Hermione saw this and knew what was coming so she did what was neccesary for this conversation to go through to the end. Casting a quick Incarcerous which bound Isabella by ropes and pushed Isabella on a couch to sit as she sat on her lap each leg on one side of Isabellas as she faced her looking into her eyes to see any indication that Isabella was scared or hurting but found none.
Hermione: your father is a jerk and an abuser so you have to stop listening to the things he says and start looking around yourself. If you did that you would see how all of us were worried when you started avoiding everyone.
Isabella: i...
Hermione: no now let me talk and then you will have the word.
If you need help controling your magic or start loosing control all of your friends are here to help you and we can ask professor McGonnagall either one for help if you want but dont shut us off thats not going to work. And you are wrong, many people love you: your mom loves you, Victor loves you, and even though we dont know each other for that long i love you too.
Isabella sat there dumbfounded with her mouth wide open staring in the eyes of the witch who got her into this situation bound on an sofa and searched Hermiones eyes for any lies or hesitation. Finding none tears appeared in her eyes as her brain processed the words making a smile appear on her face. The three words playing in her head again and again making her realise the truth about her feelings.
Isabella: i love you too.
Hermione: you do?
Isabella: i love you and im sorry that i let my father make me question that and distance myself from you.
Hermione: hey its alright its going to be all better now.

The two lovebirds spent the next 10 minutes smiling at each other before Isabella smirked god knows what going through her head making Hermione look at her questioningly.
Hermione: what is it?
Isabella: when did you learn this spell and why? Any plans on using it before this moment.
Hermione: wha... no we learned it in class, you perv
Isabella: hah right im not falling for that this spell isnt taught in your year and i dont thing its even taught here at hogwarts i believe you are taught only Petrificus totalus am i right? And thats probably why you wanted to learn it in the first place any other motives.
Hermione looked at her hands playing with her fingers as she blushed after Isabella didnt fall for her lie proving she knows Hermione better than some of her classmates who would believe they learned this spell in class and think they werent paying attention when that happened.

Isabella loves the effect she has on her girlfriend but the ropes started to feel uncomfortable so she made them dissapear and hugged Hermione switching their position from Hermione sitting on her to Hermione lying on the sofa with Isabella on top of her.
Hermione: wha...
Isabella: shhhh, let me make the last week up to you.
Hermione decided to stop speaking and see what will happen as Isbella kissed her forehead going all the way to her lips kissing her gently and then the kiss turned more heated and passionate making Hermione moan which only made Isabella enjoy this kiss more asking Hermione for entrance with her tongue which she gladly granted and a fight for dominance started ending after awhile with Isabella winning and moving to Hermiones neck.
She continued downwards stopping on Hermiones pulse point leaving open mouth kisses and sucking on Hermiones pelse point making her moan. When Isabella was sattisfied with her work on her lovers neck she continued on her journey down and asked Hermione for permision to take off her shirt which was granted in seconds.
Slowly sliding Hermiones shirt off Isabella had to stop to admire the body before her making Hermione a little self conscious ending in her trying to hide her body from Isabella which made Isabella act and hold her hand above Hermiones head looking into her eyes.
Isabella: dont hide from me ok? You are beautifull and i love you
Hermione: im sorry i dont know why i did that.
Isabella: hey its alright if you ever want to stop just say the word and i will stop immediately ok.?
Hermione: ok
Isabella: good girl
Hermione doesnt know what just happened but those words did something to her and Isabella knew it.
Thats when the two girls heard a talking from outside the tent Isabella standing up fast shielding Hermione who fastly put her shirt back on right when the weasley twins came inside the tent.
Fred: oh hey girls we didnt know anyone was here sorry if we interupted anything.
George: yeah sorry about that proffesor Snape confiscated something of our before the task and left it here after so we wanted to get it.
Isabella: dont worry about it boys i have to get Hermione to her dorm before she will end up in trouble either so thanks for making us realize how late it really is.

The twins smiled at Isabella but their faces became blank as their looks landed on Hermione who didnt look gratefull at all biving them death stares making the twins gulp and Isabella chuckle before she whispered that they will continue what they started somewhere else but only if she will act nicely towards the twins and anyone else they meet on their journey back to the castle.
After this the death stares stopped and the twins could finally brath normaly again as the two girls left the tent.

The way to the castle was slow as Hermione stole kisses every now and than which ended up with Hermione pressed against one of the trees gasping after the makeout session Isabella put her through.
As they went through the corridor Hermione wished she had the room for herself but that would not happen as there were another three girls living with her.
As they went through on of the corridors in the castle Isabella noticed some doors appearing from thin air which made her stop in her tracks making the other girl stop also asking Isabella whats the matter.
Isabella: did you see that to or do i need to go to the hospital wing to get my head checked, zhose doors appeared from thin air i swear.
Hermione: you are right there shoul not be any doors here lets look whats inside.
Isabella opened the doors looking inside first to make sure there was nothing to hurt her love and than let Hermione in after looking around the room which comsisted of a desk, a sofa and a big bed.
Hermione: I know what this room is!
Isabella: you do? Hat is it?
Hermione: its the room of requairements, i only heard about it i didnt think i would find it sometime. It appears if you need something.
Isabella: so if you needed to pee?
Hermione: yes it should transform into a bathroom.
Isabella: nice so we need a room for ourselves right.
Isabella said getting into Hermiones space pushing her against the wall next to the door closing the door kissing Hermione passionately and leaving more hickeys on her neck.

To be continued....

AN: sorry for the to be continued, im really tired and wrote this in one sitting right now so sorry if there are any mistakes its not proof read so sorry i didnt have much time as school is starting to take more time from my schedule and i dont have much time to write i promise i will still try to update every week.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you are having a great day or night.

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