Chapter 7 (Arrival celebration)

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"Text" means that it is what they are thinking

3rd person POV

The eavning breeze gently stirred Hermiones hair and delivered a gentle but cold cares to her cheek, waking the girl from her peaceful slumber as she started mumbling something unheard to Harrys and Rons ears. The two boys sitting next to her bed were too shocked at her quick recovery as all they forced themself to do was calling the kind doctor known as madam Pomfrey and with concern visible in their eyes waited for the girl to wake fully as to not startle her.

Hermione stirred and carefully sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed as confusion and curiosity laced her eyes but before she could start to ask questions madam Pomfrey started her examination and the trio couldn't do anything but wait for an explanation. Both parts of the party wanting to know an answer to two different questions.

As the doctor finished her examination Hermione was the first to ask as she was faster with her words than the other two.
Hermione: what happened? How did i get here?
Doctor: You injured your head badly when you fell into the black lake as there was a rock or so i was told and could see when you came in after lunch time.
The doctor looked to the two boys for confirmation and noded her head when she got it.
Doctor: to answer your second question, miss Krum brought you in along with your friends.
Hermione scratched her head as she thought about the situation that happened trying to figure out who this girl was. As she did so her head hurt a little and she flinched but couldnt figure the identity of the girl out.
Doctor: dont overwork your brain it is going to hurt for a while but it should not be anything too severe as the critical wound is already healed.
Harry: yeah and how is that? How did you heal her wound so fast because we walked in as soon as Krum left and i didnt see you do anything to heal her head just checking her over.?

Just as he finished the question another two pairs of steps entered the hospital wing and startled the trio and dismissed madam Pomfrey with thanks.
Minerva McGonnagal: Potter you should train your speech, madam Pomfrey could take your question as an attack on her because of the way you said your question at least i know i would.
Harry: sorry profesor McGonnagal i was just curious so i didn't think about the wording of my question.
Harry smiled a sheepish smile as his words came back to him and thank god the doctor didn't take the question as and offense.
Ron: but how?
Harry and Hermione: Ron!!
Ron: sorry im curious okay.!
McGonnagal: Serafina maybe you could answer this question? I think you know more than us in this matter.

Serafina: Of course sis it would be my pleasure. You see the girl that brought you in is one of our most promising students and she is also helping in our own hospital wing so i would guess that your wound was healed by her as it is her passion.
Hermione: oh that was what the warm white light that got through my body was about?
Serafina: im sorry dear i dont know how miss Krums magic works, you will have to ask her. I am sure she will be happy to talk to you about that.
Hermione: oh okay thank you for answering my questions.
Serafina: Glad to help now if you will excuse me i have to get to my school before the welcoming feast and prepare my students.
McGonnagal: let me acompany you to the ship i want to talk to you about something.
Serafina: sure, it was nice meeting you three.
After they said their goodbyes thetrio asked miss Pomfrey if Hermione was free to go and with the last check up they went to get ready for the welcoming feast which is supposed to take place in an hour.

Harry, Hermione and Ron make their way out of the hospital wing and make casual conversation when it clicks in Hermiones mind as she asks:
Hermione: Guys when i think about it why did none of you use her name not even the profesors? Do you not know her name?
Harry: Yes we do but we thought we will let her introduce herself when she wants as we are not on her good side right now. I think she didn't hex us just because we looked so guilty and you would be upset if she did? Idk just dont worry i think she will tell you when you two meet.
Ron: yeah, what he said.
Harry and Hermione laught as Ron doesn't know what to say and continue their way into the common room to change for the feast as they dont have their robes on.
When they meet again it is almost the time for the feast so they start quickly walking towards the great hall.

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