Chapter 10 (the truth)

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One week later

Isabellas POV
A week has passed and the time for my moms arrival is tommorow. To be honest i dont know how to tell her.
I decided to tell Hermione today as we became good friends and i feel like i can talk about anything with her, without her looking at me differently and she gives good advice. Im sitting in Defense against the dark arts class right now and trying to come up with ways of how to tell her. I dont want her to look at me differently and i could use help figuring on how to tell my mom. I would ask Victor but he would blow up and want to hurt dad again so its better to not bring it up before him.
My next choice would be Will but he is behind in almost all of the classes and catching up as he had to leave for the week to be with his family as his dad was facing a trial and was almost sent to azkaban even though he didnt do anything. Will had to talk to the judge and thankfully they won and his dad is alright and free.

As im thinking i feel someone poke me in the ribs and as i turn to glare at them they have an apologenic look and are pointing at the front of the class where a pissed profesor Moody is standing.
Moody: it looks like some of you dont require to hear my lecture so please miss Krum you want to take over and lead the lesson or will you pay attention like the rest of your students.
"i dont like this man he is giving of a really bad energy and his look is almost cruell.?"
Isabella: sorry about that proffesor what is todays lesson about?
Moody: Trolls
Isabella: alright i can do that if you would take a seat please.
I say standing up i know i probably shouldn't provoke him but i don't like him so im going to teach my classmates about Trolls today.
Moody: excuse me?
Isabella: you said that i could either pay attention or take over did you not?
He doesnt know what to say, i know it, he knows it and every other student here knows it so he takes a seat and lets me go to the front. Thank got looks cant kill and he cant kill before so many eyes.

Isabella: Alright can anyone tell my what you know about Trolls so far?
Student: They are dumb
Isabella: correct, they are magical beasts of prodigious strength and immense stupidity. In fact, they are so synonymous with stupidity that we actually have the lowest wizarding exam failing grade named after them. Trolls posses rudimentary magic, but it is not known how they applied it. Does anyone know what rudimentary magic is?
Student: its a really weak magic but they dont use it and rather use their strength.
Isabella: correct, its a type of lesser magic and its a simple and much tamer form of dark magic.
Firstly we are going to describe a troll as you probably know trolls can reach a height of about twelve feet and weigh up to a tonne. Their feet have only two toes on aech leg.
Secondly im going to tell you about their behaviour: they are dangerous as they are extremely agressive, violent and engage in unpredictable behaviour.
And lastly can anyone tell my what trolls eat?
Student: us
Isabella: correct their favourite meal would be human flesh and raw but they also eat fish. But they are not picky about what they eat. Any questions?

No one had any questions and Moody even let me go without talking to me after class so thats a plus, now i am going to the library to meet Hermione.
As im on my way i hear a comotion and what i see makes my blood boil. Malfoy picking on Hermione and his goons blocking her escape route and even though she is trying to defend herself i can see the tears thretening to fall on the corner of her eyes.

3rd person POV
The students start making room as a pissed Isabella makes her way towards Draco and his friends. No one brave enough to get in her way and face her wrath as she reaches the 3 and before anyone can warn the boys Crab and Goyle are flying through the air and landing on their butts groaning a few feet from them.
Draco too stunned to speak for a moment before getting out a quiet: you know who my father is? If you touch me you will have a problem.
Isabella: i dont care who your father is or if he is going to hear about this i can say the same thing so leave Hermione alone or answer to me. Are we clear?
Isabella says pushing Draco on the wall but lets go the second he flinches. She knows that look too damn good. She didnt push him that hard for him to flinch. "Could they have the same problem with their dads?"
A look of pity and understanding crossed her face for a second and it surprised Draco for a second. "She couldnt know, could she.?"
Draco: Understood
Crab and Goyle: but Draco what about the revenge for the punch?
Draco: i dont know if you noticed but she had you on your butts and flying through the air a moment ago so if you wanna face her be my guest and if you want to live then its over we are going to leave Granger alone. Hmm?
Crab and Goyle too stuned to speak along with all of the onlooking students nodded and went their own way towards their common room.
Isabella took Hermiones hand and started leading the way towards the library when she suddenly turned around and shocked the Gryfindor with her next sentence.
Isabella: You know if you want to talk to someone i will be in the library but no pressure you can take your time the offer will stand for the whole time im here i think we have something in common.
Draco too stunned to speak could only nod his head and turned around to follow his friends.

The two girls made their way to the library and took their seats in the back where no many people go in their usual spot.

Isabellas POV
As we sat down i realized how weird it must have looked as i threthened Draco and then offered him the talk but to be honest i dont care if im right he will come to talk with me sooner or later. And im rarely wrong about this. Now lets focus on the quest at hand. Lets tell Hermione.
Hermione: Alight what just happened?
Isabella: I want to tell you something important about my life.
We say at the same time and i send an apologenic look towards her.
Hermione: Oh alright go on.
Isabella: firstly i want to apologize i know you can take care of yourself i just saw red and couldnt stop my actions.
And so i tell her everything: starting with what i am i mean the intersex part, than the magic part and ending with what my father did to me. At the end of my speech Hermione has tears in her eyes thretening to fall again and im anxiously waiting for her reaction.
Hermione: so lets get this straight you can cast spells without saying anything and with just your hands, you created your own spells and your intersex did i get it right so far. Oh yeah and how could i forget about the fact that your father is abusing you.
The tears started falling when she finished talking and she hugged me tightly not letting go even after she stopped crying after 10 minutes.

Isabella: hey Hermione look at me you see im fine and im safe you see.
Hermione: but what about when you are hoing to go back home.? No you are not going back home to that monster! You can stay with my family.
It surprised me a little when she said that but i threw thet thought away.
Isabella: Hermione i have to go home what about my mom? And i wouldn't worry about my dad its not like he will live long enough when we get home. Im telling my mom tomorrow and Victor is already planning how to kill him without it being decided as murder.
Isabella: but i think i will take you up on that offer someday. I mean i have to meet your parents before making you my wife right?

As i said that Hermione took another shade of red and tried to hide her face in my neck making me laugh.
Isabella: Now help me figure out how to tell my mom? I mean how do i tell her that the love of her life is abusing her only daughter without her noticing for a while now.

AN: hi hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you are having a great night or day.
Sorry for any mistakes

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