chapter 16 the end of the beginning

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Obi-Wan pov

I stood in the middle of the theed palace as the jedi council arrived chancellor Palpatine walked forward and approached the twins

Chancellor Palpatine: very well done my boys I'll be watching your careers with great interest

Captain Panaca: Nute Gunray now you will pay for your crimes

Yoda lead Obi-Wan away to a private room to have a word with Obi-Wan

Yoda: I will grant you the title of jedi knight I will but train the twins you will not

Obi-Wan: I promised Qui Gon Gin and I intend to keep it even if I have train outside the order

Yoda: fine your stubborn just like your master train The boys if you must but I sense trouble in their training

We see everyone standing next to the pyre as Qui Gon Gin body began to burn

Yoda: always two their are a master and a apprentice

Mace: but which was destroyed the master or the apprentice

Jaden: what will happen to us now

Anakin: the jedi don't want us to be trained

Obi-Wan: you two will be jedi I promise you

We see the wookies marching through the streets of theed as queen amidalla handed a orb to Fenrier he raised it above his head and roared

we see Anakin and Jaden standing beside Obi-Wan peace had finally returned to naboo things finally seemed to be going their way

A dark cloaked figure watched the parade from the shadows with a sinister smile on face

Darth Sidius has found his future apprentices it was only a matter of time before the jedi got what they deserved

everything was going as he had forseen The sith would soon rule the galaxy

Darth Sidius would wait for as long as it took to slowly currupt the Skywalker twins

soon the sith would have their say all it ever takes was the power of the darkside

End of Episode 1 The Phantom Meance

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